Johnny took his hall pass and went to his next class.
It was his last class of the day, one of his special classes, Miss La Vella's class. Miss La Vella was very nice and Johnny felt very special inside when he looked at Miss La Vella, but that is another story.
Johnny assumed his usual seat near the window. Johnny was actually thankful for his seating arrangements in this class because his mandatory fart-fan insulated him from the physical attacks of Dodie and Murf.
Every Friday Miss La Vella's class was treated to a student presentation. Throughout the year each student was required to present a semester project in front of the class. Today Dodie was presenting his semester project.
"To celebrate my friendship to Johnny, I would like to present him with this token of friendship."
Dodie pulled what looked like a multicolored belt out of his bag and beckoned Johnny to come forward and receive it.
Johnny smiled and started to shuffle over towards Dodie.
"This started out as a friendship bracelet, but I have been working on it for eight years and it just kept growing and growing." Dodie said as he lept up onto a table to stand above Johnny.
"What a tremendous gesture" said Miss La Vella "What is it made of?"
"I call it my Fag...
screeched Dodie as he wrapped the belt around Johnny's neck and lifted Johnny off of the floor.
The object restricting Johnny’s windpipe was appropriately named as it was indeed manufactured entirely of locker loops, which Dodie had been ripping off of the backs of Johnny's shirts since the second grade. The Fag-Tags had been woven together quite meticulously and were now restricting the flow of oxygen to Johnny's brain.
Johnny blacked out for the second time in the same day, only to again wake up in the health room. When Johnny came to Mr. Smiley was again taking Johnny's pulse, only this time Mr. Smiley seemed to be sweating profusely and checking his own pulse with his other hand.
When Johnny was released from the health room he skipped down the hallway, hall pass in hand. Johnny was giggling and happy. He had just been told that today was a pep rally day.
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