Top 11 Reasons put forth by Bush for War in Iraq in descending order of ridiculousness.
10. WMD's that don't exist
9. Non-existent link to 911.
8. Non-existent connections to al-Qaeda
7. Saddam is Evil and Dangerous.
6. We care about Iraqi people and they need freedom and democracy like us.
5. We are at war with the concept of "terror"
4. To bring Peace (WTF?) to the Middle East.
3. God told me to do it.
2. Fight them there so we don't have to fight them here.
and finally, the most ridiculous of all
1. So that there will be a comma in history books.
You should be more political. I don't think you're being true to yourself by making your blog apolitical because I know you're having a good laugh over this Foley guy and would love to write about him bending over his pages.
- a concerned friend and Democrat
I can't stand people who down their president and dont support their govt.
be serious- you are a band waggon type of person. Think for yourself, It is in the Muslems "bible" to seek out and destroy all that oppose their religion. In doing so they become the only religion that doesent let you choose.
Independent Party
liberating Iraqis from a brutal ruler
“change of course”
“Islamic fascism,”
pre-eminent strike
The risk of pre-emptive strikes, Adams said, is that you create a world that is "mistrustful" and "fearful" of America.
"You end up creating the enemy you seek to prevent," he said.
spreading democracy is a noble goal, "large amounts of money don't buy you democracy."
"It's very hard to impose from the outside,"
"Stay the course means keep doing what you're doing. My attitude is, don't do what you're doing if it's not working -- change," Bush said.
Saddam aimed to intimidate the Iraqi people, Bush said, monkey see monkey do!!
I hope comments 2 and 3 are fake, straw-man arguments.
If not, the pure stupidity of comments 2 and 3 are why I don't post political stuff.
I only listed 10 of the most ridiculous Bush arguments for the war in Iraq when I said I was going to list 11.
I made a mistake and I admit it, which is more than I can say for W.
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