First. Have your kids draw and color 2 Halloween Phantoms.
Second. Let your kids help you make 2 goody bags.
Third. Go put a goody bag and phantom on the porch of 2 different nieghborhood kids, along with a note that says,
"Your house has been visited by the Halloween Phantom.
Place the phantom on your front door so that everyone will know that the phantom has been to your house.
Make 2 more phantoms, 2 copies of this letter and 2 goodie bags and go put them on the front porch of 2 other houses."
Here are photos of my kids getting their phantom bags last year.

All this nice, fun stuff. You people are taking Satan out of Halloween.
Does the Switch Witch come to your house, like the Halloween Phantom does, or is that just an Atlanta phenom?
Will Sam and Madeline be visited by the Switch Witch this year?
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