Desperate Housewives - Jumped the Tank after season one. This show got old quicker than Alley McBeal.
Saturday Night Live - The cast just sucks. The season opener, with Dane whatever hosting, blew. Haven't watched Jamie Pressley yet.
Vanished - This is a 24'ish drama about a Senator from Atlanta's wife being kidnapped. This show is not very good at all, but we have gotten drawn into the quickly developing plot. The acting is so bad that it is comical at times.
Pokemon - May be the best theme song ever. Ash and Peekachoo are travelling around encountering pokemon. Team Rocket keeps showing up.
Good Shows I watch:
Heros - This is a show about seemingly unrelated people with super powers who are being drawn together or hunted or something. It is good and I am totally sucked in.
Amazing Race - Is both enspiring (ordinary people working together to overcome great obsticals, amazing scenery) and Springer-like (I get satisfaction from watching couples and family members yell at each other in stressfull times).
Sudio 60 on Sunset Strip - This drama starring Mathew Perry is set behind the scenes of Saturday Night Live. Very good acting and we like the show, but I don't think the show will make it.
How I Met Your Mother - Funny show. Marshall is my favorite character.
Project Runway - Great reality, weekly elimination, show where clothing designers compete in clothing challenges every week and have a fashion show with judges.
This show is down to the final 4. We are pulling for Micheal all the way. Ulee is a kraut, Lara exposes her pasty chest, and Jeffery has the Declaration of Independence tatooed on his neck.

My Name is Earl - Continues to Rock. Jamie Pressley should win an Emmy Award. Amy Sedaris was awsome this week as Cat lady.
The Office - Great show. Dwayne Shrute is hilarious. So is the annoying Indian chick. Is Jim really going to stay at the other office. If they do a friends-flip-flop, where Pam starts liking Jim but can't tell him because he is doing the brunette at his new office, I am going to be pissed. The sitcom "Joey" used this lame plot device right before it was cancelled.
More on Vanished. The protagonist and main character of the show is an FBI agent assigned to find the Senator's kidnapped wife.
The show tells us about his past (he lost a kidnap victim once in a botched ransom drop/rescue attempt) and his family (his daughter was just took her First Communion).
The kidnappers have been leaving little clues directed personally at this character, somehow knowing he was "on the case".
On last week's episode - He was shot and killed, out of the blue, and some new guy took his place.
I don't watch any of those shows but would gladly take a vow of Poverty.
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