When this summer's season of Last Comic Standing was just getting started, I published this post(link), where I picked the funniest comedians on the show (Chris and Ty), but predicted that the winner would either be Iglesias (the-fat-hispanic-guy), or Josh Blue (the- cerebral-palsey-guy).
Near the end of the season, Chris Porter really started fading and Iglesias got himself eliminated on purpose by bringing a blackberry into the house.

But you know what? Even though Ty had the best material and Josh mainly had "I have cerebral palsey jokes", Josh was just as deserving as Ty to win.
Why? Because Josh is very funny and extremely likeable.
So Josh, I am apologizing for my earlier comments.
It was totally unfair to compare you to Dat Phan and Ant, who are not at all funny and only make fun of their Vietnamese/American-ness and gay-ness respectively.
Also, as Josh is on the USA Paralympic Soccer Team, he is probably a better soccer player than me.
Here is a link to Josh's web site where you can purchare his new CD, "Good Josh Bad Arm".(link)
1 comment:
I think Josh is scamming everyone and just pretending to have a disability.
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