I have an idea for a new movie, staring former Duke basketball player Shane Battier, called:

Hey, this is former Duke basketball player and current Houston Rocket, Shane Battier.
You may remember me from my college career at Duke, simply as "Ridge Head" or "Klingon Head", but to sports insiders, I am known as "Flop-ee-aa" or "King of Flop"
Shane is shown walking around the Duke campus.
Shane Voice-over: "I learned the fundamentals of flopping while playing at Duke. Coach K stresses flopping.
Some players celebrate after a clutch 3-pointer or a monster dunk, at Duke we only celebrated after a huge flop.".
Announcer talking to Shane while they stand on Duke Campus: "Shane, what about the allegations of Flop Enhancing Drugs at Duke?"
Shane: "That's Nonsense!

For instance, JJ Redick, last year's player of the year, was known to show up as early as 2 hours before a game to practice flopping."
Battier takes the viewers into Cameron Indoor Stadium to watch the current Duke team run flopping drills.
The current Duke players are standing in a row, an arm's length apart from each other, on the baseline, with their backs to the court.
Coach K walks down the row of players lightly tapping each one on the chest with his finger.
At the slightest contact, each player hurls himself backward onto the court landing on his butt and extending his arms and legs straight out in front of him as he slides as far as he can on his rump.
Battier is at the end of the row and easily out-distances the current Duke roster.
As Battier comes to rest after sliding nearly the entire length of the court, Coach K gives him a big thumbs-up.
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