I have an idea for a new movie, staring former Duke basketball player Shane Battier, called:

You may remember me from my college career at Duke, simply as "Ridge Head" or "Klingon Head", but to sports insiders, I am known as "Flop-ee-aa" or "King of Flop".
Flop is a derogatory term that refers to a defensive player, upon physical contact with an offensive player, intentionally falling backward to the floor in hopes of making it look as though he was knocked off of his feet by the offensive player's contact.
Thus, flopping is also sometimes called acting, as in "acting like he was fouled". The hope is that this appearance will prompt the referee to call a charging foul on the offensive player.
Because it is inherently designed to deceive the referee, flopping is generally considered to be less than sportsman-like. Nonetheless, it is widely practiced and even perfected by many great professional players.
Flopping effectively is not easy to do, primarily because drawing contact can sometimes result in the opposite effect—a foul called on the defensive player—when too much contact is drawn or if the player has not positioned himself perfectly. Additionally, even if no foul is called on either player, by falling to the floor, the flopping defensive player will have taken himself out of position to provide any further defensive opposition on the play, thus potentially allowing the offense to score easily. To consistently draw offensive fouls on opponents takes good body control and a great deal of practice. Players generally become better at flopping as their careers progress.
I have made a career out of flopping. My name Is Shane, Welcome to the School Of Flop.
Floppier was not called for blocking his entire career with Dook, so that was not really a downside to flopping. I believe Vitale mentioned that he is also considering a career in politics when his career is over and that he is a class act, baby.
The Holy Grail for Floppier was to cut under someone going for a layup so he would not only get the charge, he would get the opposing player's sweaty package in his face and hear the Crazies jumping up in down in unison and cheering what they thought was Shar-Pei's sacrifice.
It's hard to imagine him every playing anywhere but Dook.
I don't know who left the above comment, but just wait till I post the later scenes of the movie, including Shane's emulation of "The Ultimate Flop".
I always called him Raisen Head
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