There are 2 signs taped to the bank drive-through teller window that say:
If We Gave
You Great Service
Thank You"
It goes without saying that I do not honk. I have never heard anyone else honk either. But the signs do make me mad, so here is what I did.
The bank teller seemed confused the last time I went to the bank when I sent a horn through the tube. One of those brass horns that you find on a child's bicycle or that a clown uses, with a rubber ball at the end that you squeeze.
The teller held up the horn to the window as if to say "Did you mean to send this through the tube?"
I nodded "yes" and pointed to the sign that I had made and taped to the inside of my driver's side window. My sign read:

If I Just Gave
You All My Money
Thank You"
That's pretty good, but leaves many questions.
(1) How far in advance did you plan that?
(2)Did she honk the horn?
(3)Did you make her HORNY, BABY? YEAH!
1) I didn't actually do it, but I thought about doing it.
It took me about 999,999,999,999.00 times longer for me to think up this post than it did for you to think up your comment.
2) No, HE didn't.
3) Did I miss some sort of Austin Powers reference? If not, you need to get a more recent catch phrase like "Where's The Beef?"
I know you are not going to believe me when I tell you that just before I got to the office and read this post I went through the line at my bank up on St. Andrews Road on the Irmo side of town and made a bank deposit and noticed the new sign in the teller window --"Honk If We Gave You Great Service Thank You"
"Well", I said to myself, "they really do a good job of thinking of little clever ways to connect with their clients--always something displayed on a little sign in the window. Sometimes useful information about interest rates on CD's or something. This is a little dorky, but at least they are trying. Shall I honk, or shall I not?"
By that time the transaction was complete and it was time to move on. The service hadn't really been "Great", nothing special, just same old, same old, but they were polite. They took my deposit and my check and they sent me back a receipt and they were reasonably quick about it and said pleasantly, "Any thing else this morning, Ms. Turnipseed?" And though I couldn't see through the slightly tinted glass because of the angle of the sun and all, I believe it was said with a smile.
So, I said 'No thank You" and I started driving away and I looked around and listened to see if any one else did--and they didn't, and then, though I felt a little foolish, I
So I guess I need to fess up.
1. The "Anonymous" poster # 3 is the "other" Mrs Turnipseed. The one who still lives in or near Irmo.
2. She did mean to give herself away in a subtle sort of way. She thought it was too funny that her 66 year old response to the sign was so typical of her, as was Jeff's response to the sign typical of him.
3. Again, "Anonymous" poster # 3 is not Cyndy. Let the post speak for itself. She writes very late at night, usually.
4. "Anonymous" poster #3 did not write "Anonymous" post #1.
5. "Anonymous" rarely makes fun of other tempting targets, usually just herself--the most tempting one of all.
Mom, we talked about this. It's OK to post comments as long as you don't identify yourself.
Also, I can't believe you honked.
I guess the whole drive-through experience is more enjoyable than the school bully beating you up for your lunch money, but I refuse to celebrate a large corporation taking my weekly pay-check, even if it is done with a smile.
I am doing the bank the favor and they should do the honking.
As to: Who left the first comment?
Czen, you seriously need to update your catch phrase with something more timely, like "Yo Mamma!".
All I want to know is who still drives through at the bank to deposit their paycheck?
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