Monday, August 29, 2005

Old West Tales - Introduction

You are looking at "The Old Well", a UNC Chapel Hill landmark. UNC Chapel Hill was the first state university, and the Old Well isn't the only thing in Chapel Hill that is old. Beside The Old Well is the first Dormitory at a state university, Old East Dorm. The building seen behind the Old Well in this photograph is Old West Dorm. Old West isn't as old as Old East, but I did live there for almost an entire school year. The result, Old West Tales.

My freshman year I lived in Teague Dorm. I loved Teague so much that I signed up to live in a triple my sophomore year to increase my chances of getting back into Teague in the student housing lottery. It worked, and I even got my Teague room assignment for Sophomore year. Then, over the summer, I got the news that everyone (actually all but a handfull) had been kicked out of Teague and the all-male dorm was becoming co-ed. As fate would have it, the triple was re-assigned to Old West Dorm. At the center of Old West lay a stairwell leading up to two floors of 4 room suites. I lived in one of the top suites of the center stairwell, with windows facing some classrooms. My suite's bathroom window faced The Old Well, and is visible at the top center on the photo.

My roomates when I moved into Old West were Brian and Vic. Brian had landed a prized reporting position at the Daily Tar Heel, and Vic played bass in several rock bands. Little did I know when that year started that Brian would be replaced by another roomate and we would eventually get kicked out Old West, but those are other stories....

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