Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Misuse of "Literally"

The word "literally" has got to be the most misused word in the english language today. "Literally" means "actually" or "really". Idiots, as well as newspeople and educated people, misuse this word.

Example = Last night on Rock Star INXS, Brooke Burke said: In rehearsal, Jordis was literally speechless trying to sing Aerosmith's "Dream on". The clip then showed Jordis butchering the high notes at the end of "Dream on". Jordis was not "literally speechless", because she was actually singing words, although they sounded like crap.

It makes me literally scream at the television set when people misuse "literally"

Here is a blog dedicated to the misuse of "literally"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't stand it when someone says "irregardless" when what they mean to say is regardless.

It would help if they knew that irregardless isn't even a word but I guess if they knew, then it wouldn't irk me so.