Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Kid Tip - RLS

Does your kid Fidgit? When your kids climb into your bed, do they constantly move their legs around under the covers, rubbing their toes on your back or kicking you?

Well our kids were big fidgiters, but now, because of an advertisement that we saw on television, instead of threatening to put them back in their own bed if they can't be still, we understand that they can't help it.

How should you expect your children, or adults for that matter, to keep their legs still without the aid of strong medications, when we know about Restless Leg Syndrome(link)?

If your kid fidgits, call your doctor.

1 comment:

Seed said...

Try not to get angry at the heat-child, he can not help it. He probably has SHC.

Spontaneous Human Combustion (link) is a very real danger.

I would invest in flame retardant sheets.