Thursday, July 21, 2005

Weekly Rockstar INXS Update

Last week I predicted that Neal would win the competition. I was wrong. This week Neal sucked and got eliminated. Marty, my wife's initial pick, still has a chance, but everyone would now agree that JD (Pictured at left) is the front-runner.

The last two weeks JD has blow everyone else away by working with the band and performing his own arrangements of "California Dreaming" and "One Hand In My Pocket". JD is good looking and has the whole "I was a homeless guy performing my music in the streets" thing going a la Beck.


filch said...

Sorry Jeff but it's going to be Ty.

Seed said...

Filch, Do you stick by your Ty prediction? Ty needs to interact with the band more if he wants to make it to the end.