Wednesday, July 13, 2005

The Nature of Worry

Today I was having lunch with a friend. He seemed troubled and said that he had a lot of things to worry about. This guy is 25, unmarried, no kids, and works at my law firm as a runner until he finds some sort of real (computer nerd) job.

I told him that he had no real reason to worry and that he was not really worried about his future, his want of money, etc., but was actually worried because he knew that he should be doing more to address those things.

He thought about it, and after a moment of deep introspection, told me that I was exactly right. He seemed amazed and thanked me.

I had correctly guessed that my friend worried like I do. I am described as "laid back". My wife does most of the worrying in our family. I seldom worry. I certainly don't worry about things that I have no control over. I, like my friend, don't worry about my situation, but about how and why I don't respond to my situation to improve it.

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