Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Bunco Night.

Bunco is a dice game played by married women at parties where they gossip. Last night was Bunco night at our house. What that means is that my wife started planning what food she would prepare (after close coordination with her co-host) a week in advance and had the cleaning lady do a special bunco cleaning on a tuesday instead of the normal day. I had to take the kids and the dog and "go away" for a few hours. But I wanted to go to the Columbia UNC Student Send-Off Reception at NMR&S where a bunch of my friends work. Everyone is high on Tarheel pride after winning it all and I wanted to check out the new NMR&S building. Yesterday my father approached me at lunch (yes, I work for my father) and asked if I wanted to go to the Send-Off. Easy enough, I picked up the kids from home, drove them to my parents house on the other side of Columbia (about 24 minutes), rode with my father to the Send-Off, picked the kids up after my mother had fed them, and got home just as the tipsy wives were piling into minivans and SUV's to go have a few margaritas at the neighborhood mexican resteraunt.

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