Monday, July 31, 2006
How Many Indian Faces?
Click to enlarge the image below, count how many native american faces you can find in the image, and post your results as a comment to this post.

Sunday, July 30, 2006
Mobius Infused Lager

I like alcoholic beverages.
I have often gone for several days at a time drinking nothing but caffinated and alcoholic beverages, evergy drinks, soft drinks and iced tea all day, then beer at night.
A couple of years ago, I went to a party at the home of Bart and Lindsay Yancey, In Charleston. Bart let me try an "energy beer" called Mobius. It was great. Bart claimed to know the guy who invented Mobius.
Fast forward to this summer. Lindsay called me and told me that she and bart, and a few of their friends, were going to rent an RV and drive to Manchester Tennesee for the Bonnaroo Music Festival. She wanted to know if they could leave a car in my driveway for a few days. I told her "yes".
It ends up that the car belonged to Rob, the Mobius guy, and Bart really knew him. When they returned from Bonnaroo, Rob gave me a t-shirt, some stickers, and some Mobius.
(from Mobius web site(link)) = Life's more fun when you're awake!
That's what inspired the folks at Mobius to create the world's first infused lager with TAURINE, GINSENG and CAFFEINE. As the beer-drinker's alternative to sweet-tasting energy drinks, Mobius is the perfect beer for late nights and happy hours.
Mobius is the perfect intersection of an old-world lager splashed with new-world fun, function, and style. Mobius is the only premium beer in the world that combines all the ingredients of a good time: spontaneity, high expectations and mo' fun.
After years of inspiration to create a beer that would not drag him down, Rob Spencer finally made the move in 2004. Being a bartender at the time, he saw the popularity of energy/alcohol creations that were just too sweet for his liking. Being a beer lover himself, he saw the need for a good tasting lager with added functions. After months of working on the ingredients, recipe, and taste Mobius Infused Lager hit the Charleston, SC bars in November of 2004. Since then, Mobius has spread throughout the South and is working its way up the east coast.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
2day's Kids Got it EZ - Television
Introducing a new Turnipblog feature called 2day's Kids Got it EZ, where I will talk about how much easier today's kids have it than I did, growing up in the 70's and 80's.
When we go to church we usually park on a little side street. One sunday, a few weeks ago, we were running late to church, as usual. We parked on the little side street and starting walking. As we walked past, I saw an old television sitting on the curb, in front of a house. It was obviously being thrown away. It looked just like the television that my parents had when I was the same age as my kids are now.
I stopped the kids and called them over to the old television, we were already going to have to sit in the cry-room.
"Kids, look at this. This is what a television looked like when I was your age. You couldn't pause TV and if you wanted to turn the TV on, you had to get up, walk over to the TV and pull out this knob here...
And if you wanted to turn the volume up or down, you had to get up, walk over to the TV and turn these knobs right here...
And if you wanted to change the channel, you had to get up, walk over to the TV, and turn this knob to UHF or VHF and then turn this dial down here to the number of the channel that you wanted...
And then when the handle broke of the dial, you had to leave a pair of pliers sitting on top of the television, and if you wanted to change the channel, you had to get up, walk over to the TV, and turn this knob to UHF or VHF and then turn the dial with the pliers..."
You get the idea, but I don't think the kids fully appreciated how good they got it.
When we go to church we usually park on a little side street. One sunday, a few weeks ago, we were running late to church, as usual. We parked on the little side street and starting walking. As we walked past, I saw an old television sitting on the curb, in front of a house. It was obviously being thrown away. It looked just like the television that my parents had when I was the same age as my kids are now.

"Kids, look at this. This is what a television looked like when I was your age. You couldn't pause TV and if you wanted to turn the TV on, you had to get up, walk over to the TV and pull out this knob here...
And if you wanted to turn the volume up or down, you had to get up, walk over to the TV and turn these knobs right here...
And if you wanted to change the channel, you had to get up, walk over to the TV, and turn this knob to UHF or VHF and then turn this dial down here to the number of the channel that you wanted...
And then when the handle broke of the dial, you had to leave a pair of pliers sitting on top of the television, and if you wanted to change the channel, you had to get up, walk over to the TV, and turn this knob to UHF or VHF and then turn the dial with the pliers..."
You get the idea, but I don't think the kids fully appreciated how good they got it.
Friday, July 28, 2006
Pink Floyd Radio
Here is a streaming radio station that plays nothing but Pink Floyd(link), mostly Pink Floyd Bootlegs.
It isn't always on-line, but it often is.
It isn't always on-line, but it often is.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
4 Internet Searches that led someone to Turnipblog recently (as always, the search is in bold and my comments follow):
Google searches:
Allison Munn bubble butt - (Any comment Rebecca?)
Ask.com search:
jefferson davis death mask - (Is someone trying to freak me out?)
did they think apples were poisonous before thomas jefferson - (Did people really, at one time, think that apples were poisonous? Yes, and then Eve, the second human, came along.)
Yahoo search:
fart cartoon jeans - (Just try to imagine what this person could possibly have been searching for.)
Google searches:
Allison Munn bubble butt - (Any comment Rebecca?)

jefferson davis death mask - (Is someone trying to freak me out?)
did they think apples were poisonous before thomas jefferson - (Did people really, at one time, think that apples were poisonous? Yes, and then Eve, the second human, came along.)
Yahoo search:
fart cartoon jeans - (Just try to imagine what this person could possibly have been searching for.)
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
2day's Kids Got it EZ
Introducing a new Turnipblog feature called 2day's Kids Got it EZ, where I will talk about how much easier today's kids have it than I did, growing up in the 70's and 80's.
To kick things off, here is the transcript of the famous Monty Python skit on the same subject.
The Players:
Michael Palin - First Yorkshireman;
Graham Chapman - Second Yorkshireman;
Terry Jones - Third Yorkshireman;
Eric Idle - Fourth Yorkshireman;
The Scene:
Four well-dressed men are sitting together at a vacation resort.
'Farewell to Thee' is played in the background on Hawaiian guitar.

Aye, very passable, that, very passable bit of risotto.
Nothing like a good glass of Château de Chasselas, eh, Josiah?
You're right there, Obadiah.
Who'd have thought thirty year ago we'd all be sittin' here drinking Château de Chasselas, eh?
In them days we was glad to have the price of a cup o' tea.
A cup o' cold tea.
Without milk or sugar.
Or tea.
In a cracked cup, an' all.
Oh, we never had a cup. We used to have to drink out of a rolled up newspaper.
The best we could manage was to suck on a piece of damp cloth.
But you know, we were happy in those days, though we were poor.
Because we were poor. My old Dad used to say to me, "Money doesn't buy you happiness, son".
Aye, 'e was right.
Aye, 'e was.
I was happier then and I had nothin'. We used to live in this tiny old house with great big holes in the roof.
House! You were lucky to live in a house! We used to live in one room, all twenty-six of us, no furniture, 'alf the floor was missing, and we were all 'uddled together in one corner for fear of falling.
Eh, you were lucky to have a room! We used to have to live in t' corridor!
Oh, we used to dream of livin' in a corridor! Would ha' been a palace to us. We used to live in an old water tank on a rubbish tip. We got woke up every morning by
having a load of rotting fish dumped all over us! House? Huh.
Well, when I say 'house' it was only a hole in the ground covered by a sheet of
tarpaulin, but it was a house to us.
We were evicted from our 'ole in the ground; we 'ad to go and live in a lake.
You were lucky to have a lake! There were a hundred and fifty of us living in t' shoebox in t' middle o' road.
Cardboard box?
You were lucky. We lived for three months in a paper bag in a septic tank. We used to have to get up at six in the morning, clean the paper bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down t' mill, fourteen hours a day, week-in week-out, for sixpence a week, and when we got home our Dad would thrash us to sleep wi' his belt.
Luxury. We used to have to get out of the lake at six o'clock in the morning, clean the lake, eat a handful of 'ot gravel, work twenty hour day at mill for tuppence a month, come home, and Dad would thrash us to sleep with a broken bottle, if we were lucky!
Well, of course, we had it tough. We used to 'ave to get up out of shoebox at twelve o'clock at night and lick road clean wit' tongue. We had two bits of cold gravel, worked twenty-four hours a day at mill for sixpence every four years, and when we got home our Dad would slice us in two wit' bread knife.
Right. I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night half an hour before I went to bed, drink a cup of sulphuric acid, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad and our mother would kill us and dance about on our graves singing Hallelujah.
And you try and tell the young people of today that ..... they won't believe you.
They won't!
To kick things off, here is the transcript of the famous Monty Python skit on the same subject.
The Players:
Michael Palin - First Yorkshireman;
Graham Chapman - Second Yorkshireman;
Terry Jones - Third Yorkshireman;
Eric Idle - Fourth Yorkshireman;
The Scene:
Four well-dressed men are sitting together at a vacation resort.
'Farewell to Thee' is played in the background on Hawaiian guitar.

Aye, very passable, that, very passable bit of risotto.
Nothing like a good glass of Château de Chasselas, eh, Josiah?
You're right there, Obadiah.
Who'd have thought thirty year ago we'd all be sittin' here drinking Château de Chasselas, eh?
In them days we was glad to have the price of a cup o' tea.
A cup o' cold tea.
Without milk or sugar.
Or tea.
In a cracked cup, an' all.
Oh, we never had a cup. We used to have to drink out of a rolled up newspaper.
The best we could manage was to suck on a piece of damp cloth.
But you know, we were happy in those days, though we were poor.
Because we were poor. My old Dad used to say to me, "Money doesn't buy you happiness, son".
Aye, 'e was right.
Aye, 'e was.
I was happier then and I had nothin'. We used to live in this tiny old house with great big holes in the roof.
House! You were lucky to live in a house! We used to live in one room, all twenty-six of us, no furniture, 'alf the floor was missing, and we were all 'uddled together in one corner for fear of falling.
Eh, you were lucky to have a room! We used to have to live in t' corridor!
Oh, we used to dream of livin' in a corridor! Would ha' been a palace to us. We used to live in an old water tank on a rubbish tip. We got woke up every morning by
having a load of rotting fish dumped all over us! House? Huh.
Well, when I say 'house' it was only a hole in the ground covered by a sheet of
tarpaulin, but it was a house to us.
We were evicted from our 'ole in the ground; we 'ad to go and live in a lake.
You were lucky to have a lake! There were a hundred and fifty of us living in t' shoebox in t' middle o' road.
Cardboard box?
You were lucky. We lived for three months in a paper bag in a septic tank. We used to have to get up at six in the morning, clean the paper bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down t' mill, fourteen hours a day, week-in week-out, for sixpence a week, and when we got home our Dad would thrash us to sleep wi' his belt.
Luxury. We used to have to get out of the lake at six o'clock in the morning, clean the lake, eat a handful of 'ot gravel, work twenty hour day at mill for tuppence a month, come home, and Dad would thrash us to sleep with a broken bottle, if we were lucky!
Well, of course, we had it tough. We used to 'ave to get up out of shoebox at twelve o'clock at night and lick road clean wit' tongue. We had two bits of cold gravel, worked twenty-four hours a day at mill for sixpence every four years, and when we got home our Dad would slice us in two wit' bread knife.
Right. I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night half an hour before I went to bed, drink a cup of sulphuric acid, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad and our mother would kill us and dance about on our graves singing Hallelujah.
And you try and tell the young people of today that ..... they won't believe you.
They won't!
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Old West Tales - Pretty Funny Line

I'm not much of a fighter. I have never really been in a fight.
Actually, maybe I have.
Is it a fight if only one person fights, or only an ass-kicking?
One night, near the end of second semester, Vic and I had a PJ party in our Old West dorm room.
How to make PJ =
1. Cut up a bunch of fruit and put it in a cooler. (We used grapes, bananas, and apples.)
2. Pour a bottle of 180 proof grain alchohol (such as everclear) over the fruit.
3. Once the fruit has soaked up a lot of the alchohol, add red fruity beverages such as fruit juices and red colored kool aid.
4. Serve the PJ by leaving a plastic cup floating in the cooler which is used to dip into the PJ to fill people's cups.
Why do they call it PJ?
A = Because you wear it in bed. PJ tastes so good and is so potent (especially the fruit), that people always get drunker than they had planned and someone usually throws up bright red at some point during the night.
I don't remember much about our PJ party except that we had a lot of PJ left over the next day. That is when this particular Old West Tale took place.
The day after our PJ party, Joe Perry and I started drinking PJ again. Some parts and details of this story are a little fuzzy, others I can remember clearly, as if yesterday.
My roomates, Vic and Rich King were absent during this story, Vic was probably at his girlfriend's dorm and Rich must have gone home to yankee/vampire-ville for the weekend.
Joe and I left Old West with PJ and walked to Morrison dorm to see Mike Pike. Pike was one of Joe's friends from Siler City and was a freshman at UNC. Pike always wore a baseball cap pulled down over his eyes and he mumbled something awful. I could almost never understand what Pike was saying. I don't remember exactly why we went to see Pike, but I have a pretty good idea.
We didn't stay at Pike's room for long because he was with a girl. It was really quite amazing. Here was this mumbly freshman who was shacking up with a beautiful, upperclassman, sorority girl. I didn't quite understand it, but good for Pike.
Joe and I walked back to Old West for more PJ. At this point the PJ had been sitting in the cooler for over 24 hours, fermenting. The fruit at the bottom of the cooler had turned to mush. At some point, we were joined by Steve, aka "Sane Guy".
For some reason, Steve and I started wrestling. I was actually getting the better of Steve, momentarily, until he turned into Sane Guy, tapped into some beserker strength, and started tossing me around pretty roughly in a non-friendly manner.
Joe pulled Sane Guy off and sort of shoved him out the door and shut and locked the door.
I regained my composure and decided to go and try to talk to Sane Guy.

Why was Steve hitting me, it didn't make any sense. I tried to talk to him.
"Steve...", Whap! another quick punch, right between the eyes. My head went back again.
"What is he doing." I thought to myself. "Since my arms are at my side and I am not threatening him in any way, surely he will not hit me again."
I continued to walk towards Steve, trying to talk to him.
"Steve, what the..." Whap!
He did hit me again, and possibly one more time, Whap!
I eventually put my arms up in front of my face. At that point Sane Guy flung me across the suite and I landed in a heap, against the wall. Steve ran up to me and delivered another flurry of punches (these were harmless, as I was balled up with my arms covereing my face) and then fled down the stairwell, out of site.
As Steve was fleeing, Joe came out of the bathroom and Mike Bose came out of his room. I sat up and at that point and blood started streaming out of my nose.
Then one of the Ass frat boys that lived below us came up the stairwell. These guys usually did not confront us face-to-face when we were making noise, but would instead bang on the ceiling with something. This, of course, would make us put on boots and leap from the top bunk onto the floor, but I digress...
The Ass from the second floor stopped at the top of the stairwell and said "What in the F--- is going on?"
"He broke my F---ing nose!" I yelled, as I lifted my cupped hands, now overflowing with streaming blood, and showed him.
"I wish he would have broken your F---ing Mouth!" the Ass replied and then turned and went back down the stairs.
As I sat there waiting for my nose to stop bleeding I thought to myself, "I hate that frat-boy Ass, but that was a pretty funny line."
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Repressed Feelings

Ok, so I like to cook, make watermelon margaritas (with fresh mint that I grew myself), watch "So You Think You Can Dance", and I dream of backing into things.
I am straight as an arrow. I am very in touch with my feelings and secure with who I am.
Besides, everone knows that homosexuals in denial are the guys who try to compensate for their own feelings by constantly pointing out and talking about others being gay.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Triumph disses Supra Dorks

Triumph disses Supra Dorks(link)
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Crazy Dream
Ok, I had this dream last night.
First, I was with my family at some sort of car race. The details were a little sketchy as I have never actually been to a car race.
Then, I was driving my car, in reverse, in a parking lot and got confused about what was the brake and what was the gas and I smashed into another car and really messed up both cars.
Then I decided to flee the scene and started driving away. I felt something down below the steering wheel. I reached down there into the dark and something started tickling my hand. I grabbed whatever it was and pulled my hand up to my face and opened it to reveal 2 little fingers. The fingers were the size of my son Sam's fingers and they were bending and then un-bending, tickling my palm. The fingers were not attached to any hand, but also did not appear to be severed or bloody in any way. I stared at the fingers, horrified, bending and unbending, tickling my palm...
Then a voice woke my up. It was Sam, standing beside the bed, asking me to get him apple juice, as he does in the middle of the night, almost every night.
First, I was with my family at some sort of car race. The details were a little sketchy as I have never actually been to a car race.
Then, I was driving my car, in reverse, in a parking lot and got confused about what was the brake and what was the gas and I smashed into another car and really messed up both cars.

Then a voice woke my up. It was Sam, standing beside the bed, asking me to get him apple juice, as he does in the middle of the night, almost every night.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Mobius Strip
What does "Mobius" mean?
A mobius strip is created by twisting a long strip of material once and then joining its two ends.
Q = But what's so special about this strip?
A = It only has one side.
Make a mobius strip and follow it round with your finger if you like, and you'll find you end up on the opposite side from where you started without going over the edge.
Check out Escher's mobius strip below. Those poor ants are going nowhere.

The mobius strip is where the symbol for infinity comes from. The sideways figure 8 you see, meaning infinity, is actually supposed to represent a Mobius strip, since the Mobius strip goes on forever.
More Fun With Your Mobius
Why don't we try to cut it in half to make two of them? Draw completely around the centreline of your strip. Remember that you won't need to lift the pen to do both sides. Then get a pair of scissors and cut along the line. When you get back to the start of your cut after cutting all the way around the strip, you'll be able to take your two Mobius strips apart and give one to a friend.
Only kidding! The Mobius strip is much more tricky than that. You'll find that you can't cut your Mobius strip in two at all. You've still just got one long loop with a couple of extra twists thrown in for good measure.
Still not satisfied? Then try cutting it in two again. Do it the same way - all the way around the strip, and this time you really do get two strips. But the Mobius strip still has another trick up its topological sleeve. The two strips you now have are linked together!
A mobius strip is created by twisting a long strip of material once and then joining its two ends.
Q = But what's so special about this strip?
A = It only has one side.
Make a mobius strip and follow it round with your finger if you like, and you'll find you end up on the opposite side from where you started without going over the edge.
Check out Escher's mobius strip below. Those poor ants are going nowhere.

The mobius strip is where the symbol for infinity comes from. The sideways figure 8 you see, meaning infinity, is actually supposed to represent a Mobius strip, since the Mobius strip goes on forever.
More Fun With Your Mobius
Why don't we try to cut it in half to make two of them? Draw completely around the centreline of your strip. Remember that you won't need to lift the pen to do both sides. Then get a pair of scissors and cut along the line. When you get back to the start of your cut after cutting all the way around the strip, you'll be able to take your two Mobius strips apart and give one to a friend.
Only kidding! The Mobius strip is much more tricky than that. You'll find that you can't cut your Mobius strip in two at all. You've still just got one long loop with a couple of extra twists thrown in for good measure.
Still not satisfied? Then try cutting it in two again. Do it the same way - all the way around the strip, and this time you really do get two strips. But the Mobius strip still has another trick up its topological sleeve. The two strips you now have are linked together!
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Scary Skull Island
This weekend we went to see Town Theatre's production of the musical Peter Pan. The kids loved it and our friend Chip Collins was great as Mr. Smee.
Last night, we finished watching the new, 3 hour, King Kong DVD. It was too long and the acting sucked. Naomi Watts made the same face the entire time and Jack Black is not a serious actor. I kept waiting Jack Black to start singing.
Along those lines, what if King Kong was a musical?

Along those lines, what if King Kong was a musical?
Monday, July 17, 2006
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Space News - The Big Jump

Dubbed "The Big Jump", Fournier is eyeing next month for his supersonic free fall from about 130,000 feet (40 kilometers)—roughly 25 miles above the Earth. The dive from a balloon-carried gondola is slated to take place above the plains of Saskatchewan, Canada.
Record-setting fall
The Jump equipment is principally composed of a huge Russian-supplied stratospheric balloon and the specially crafted gondola. To ascend to jump height will take some 3 hours. The gondola shelters Fournier during ascent. It also is loaded with flight instruments: navigation equipment, oxygen bottles, radio gear, video recorders and Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite tracking device.
If successful, Fournier will beat four world parachutist’s records from the border of space:
* Altitude record for freefall
* Altitude record for human balloon flight
* Time record for longest freefall
* Speed record for fastest freefall—breaking the sound barrier in the process
After the separation of the balloon and at the time of Fournier’s jump, the gondola will descend by parachutes. The base of the gondola is equipped with shock absorbers for a safe touch down back on the ground.
Fournier will be wearing a spacesuit made of new synthetic material fabricated by the Textile Institute of France. The apparel is designed to thermally balance the wearer’s body during The Big Jump, yet is light enough to enhance Fournier’s maneuverability during the plunge to Earth.
In spotlighting the upcoming skydiving attempt, French astronaut, Jean-François Clervoy, stated that Fournier is to be admired for the human dimensions of the solo exploit because he will be the only person onboard the gondola to ultimately decide to step out into thin air and take the gigantic step.
Friday, July 14, 2006
Watermelon Margarita
This year we went to Edisto beach, South Carolina for the week of 4th of July. The beach was so hot this year that we would stay in the water most of the time. That is why there were so many people in the water for shark-guy(link) and why he made many of us so mad.
In the middle of the day it is too hot for humans to be on the beach. We go inside, eat lunch, take naps, go to the store, etc, and then maybe go back out to the beach right before dinner.
Well my parents had a bunch of family and friends over July 3rd and some of them wanted to go out on the beach about 1:00 pm. I walked them out onto the beach and showed them where we had left our stuff. The beach was full of people. There must have been an ozone layer hole right above us or something. It was so hot and bright that I could not see more than a few feet in front of me before a dense sun-fog obscured everything.
I ran back inside and grabbed one of the seedless watermelons that Uncle Sam had brought and cut it into inch thick slices and cut out the good part.
I placed the watermelon slices in a single layer on a cookie sheet and put them in the freezer.
When the watermelon was good and frozen (several hours later), I took it out of the freezer and sliced it and crammed about half of it into a blender until the blender was full.
I added some tequila, sugar, lime juice, and fresh mint and mixed it up in the blender until the watermelon was slushy.
I grabbed some glasses, dipped the rims in lime juice and then sugar, and filled the glasses with watermelon margarita .
I used the rest of the frozen watermelon and made another pitcher.
In the middle of the day it is too hot for humans to be on the beach. We go inside, eat lunch, take naps, go to the store, etc, and then maybe go back out to the beach right before dinner.
Well my parents had a bunch of family and friends over July 3rd and some of them wanted to go out on the beach about 1:00 pm. I walked them out onto the beach and showed them where we had left our stuff. The beach was full of people. There must have been an ozone layer hole right above us or something. It was so hot and bright that I could not see more than a few feet in front of me before a dense sun-fog obscured everything.
I ran back inside and grabbed one of the seedless watermelons that Uncle Sam had brought and cut it into inch thick slices and cut out the good part.
I placed the watermelon slices in a single layer on a cookie sheet and put them in the freezer.
When the watermelon was good and frozen (several hours later), I took it out of the freezer and sliced it and crammed about half of it into a blender until the blender was full.

I grabbed some glasses, dipped the rims in lime juice and then sugar, and filled the glasses with watermelon margarita .
I used the rest of the frozen watermelon and made another pitcher.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
The Diamond Shines No More

you shone like the sun.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Now there's a look in your eye,
Like black holes in the Sky.
Shine on you crazy diamond."
Syd Barrett the troubled Pink Floyd co-founder who spent his last years in reclusive anonymity, has died, the band said Tuesday. He was 60.
A spokeswoman for the band said Barrett died several days ago, but she did not disclose the cause of death. Barrett had suffered from diabetes for years.
The surviving members of Pink Floyd — David Gilmour, Nick Mason, Roger Waters and Richard Wright — said they were "very upset and sad to learn of Syd Barrett's death."
"Syd was the guiding light of the early band lineup and leaves a legacy which continues to inspire," they said in a statement.
Barrett co-founded Pink Floyd in 1965 with Waters, Mason and Wright, and wrote many of the band's early songs. Barrett is thought to have named Pink Floyd after two little-known bluesmen, Pink Anderson and Floyd Council, whose recordings were part of his record collection.
Pink Floyd's jazz-infused rock and drug-laced, multimedia "happenings" made them darlings of the London psychedelic scene. The 1967 album "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn" — largely written by Barrett, who also played guitar — was a commercial and critical hit.
But Barrett suffered from mental instability, exacerbated by his use of LSD. His behavior grew increasingly erratic, and he left the group in 1968 — five years before the release of Pink Floyd's most popular album, "Dark Side of the Moon" — to be replaced by Gilmour.
Barrett released two solo albums — "The Madcap Laughs" and "Barrett" — but soon withdrew from the music business altogether. An album of previously unreleased material, "Opel," was issued in 1988.
He reverted to his real name, Roger Barrett, and spent much of the rest of his life living quietly in his hometown of Cambridge, England. Moving into his mother's suburban house, he passed the time painting and tending the garden. His former bandmates made sure Barrett continued to receive royalties from his work with Pink Floyd.
He was a familiar figure to neighbors, often seen cycling or walking to the corner store, but rarely spoke to the fans and journalists who sought him out over the years.
Despite his brief career, Barrett's fragile, wistful songs influenced many musicians, from David Bowie — who covered the Barrett track "See Emily Play" — to the other members of Pink Floyd, who recorded the album "Wish You Were Here" as a tribute to their troubled bandmate. The band also dwelt on themes of mental illness on the albums "Dark Side of the Moon" and "The Wall."
From David Bowie's website:
"I can't tell you how sad I feel. Syd was a major inspiration for me. The few times I saw him perform in London at UFO and the Marquee clubs during the sixties will forever be etched in my mind. He was so charismatic and such a startlingly original songwriter.
Also, along with Anthony Newley, he was the first guy I'd heard to sing pop or rock with a British accent. His impact on my thinking was enormous. A major regret is that I never got to know him. A diamond indeed." - David Bowie, July 11th 2006
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
TiVo - Super Summer a Reality
Summer has always been a time for re-runs on network television. Even with TiVo, there are so many compelling dramas on TV now that we use the summer to catch up on the great shows like House, all the CSI shows , Grey's Anatomy, Prison Break, and ER.
Just Kidding... I don't watch any of that junk. If I wanted to think or feel, I would join Oprah's Book Club
This Super Summer is a Reality-TV-Fest and I am eating it up:
Last Comic Standing - My favorite, Chris Porter, has a real chance to win now that Fattio was sent home for sneaking a blackberry (the electronic thingy, not a pie) into the house.
Rockstar Supernova - Did you see the young Puerto Rican girl totally diss Supernova? Dave Navarro has got to be the best 5 foot, tatooed, Prince(the artist)-like, bi-sexual, guitarist, host, on television right now.
Big Brother Allstars - The producers of the show saved all of the hair cleaned out of the drains in the Big Brother house for seasons 1 through 6 and dumped it on the Head of Household contestants last night.
So You Think You Can Dance - Ah, the infectious laugh of Mary Murphy, Benji's smile, and freakish height of Cat Deeley.
Just Kidding... I don't watch any of that junk. If I wanted to think or feel, I would join Oprah's Book Club
This Super Summer is a Reality-TV-Fest and I am eating it up:

Rockstar Supernova - Did you see the young Puerto Rican girl totally diss Supernova? Dave Navarro has got to be the best 5 foot, tatooed, Prince(the artist)-like, bi-sexual, guitarist, host, on television right now.
Big Brother Allstars - The producers of the show saved all of the hair cleaned out of the drains in the Big Brother house for seasons 1 through 6 and dumped it on the Head of Household contestants last night.
So You Think You Can Dance - Ah, the infectious laugh of Mary Murphy, Benji's smile, and freakish height of Cat Deeley.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Best Optical Illusion?
If this is for real, it is the best optical illusion, ever.

Supposedly, square A and square B are exactly the same color.
If you don't believe it, this link provides proof(link).

Supposedly, square A and square B are exactly the same color.
If you don't believe it, this link provides proof(link).
Monday, July 10, 2006
Italy wins Cup - Awesome Head-Butt
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Old West Tales - The Blanket Toss
For most of my life, when I heard the words "blanket toss", I pictured the "blanket toss" that Jonie got from the hunks at the beach on the 70's sitcom Happy Days when the gang went to Hollywood for a 3 part episode.
For an introduction to Old West Tales, click here: Old West Tales - Introduction
It is very difficult for UNC students to get basketball tickets. I only got tickets once while at UNC and my back was against the wall at the very top of the Dean Dome, on the last row.
For many years the Tarheels played in an annual tournament in Charlotte, The Tournament of Champions. From its inception, the Tournament of Champions featured UNC, South Carolina, and two other teams. There were 2 games Friday night and then a consolation and championship game on Saturday night.
The Tournament of Champions doesn't exist any more, but while I was at UNC, and for many years afterward, it was my only chance to see UNC play basketball in person.
On the Tournament of Champions weekend in question, I left Old West, met my dad in Charlotte, and went to the Friday night game where UNC played South Carolina.
At that time, I could not have cared less about USC basketball because they were not very good. UNC's team was packed with All-Americans and contended for an ACC and national Championship every year, while USC stunk and had a white guy from my high school named Carey Evans. I suppose maybe Carey could dunk, but I remembered him as the little skinny dude who had gone out on a few dates with my younger sister, Jeny.
Before the game, I made a bet with my friend and USC student, Richard Flake. Richard and Chip Burn had an apartment on Green Street in Columbia. Flake's apartment was the hangout for all my Columbia friends. The bet was that if USC beat UNC, I would drive down to Columbia and let Richard and Chip give me a "Blanket Toss". I was so confident that I got absolutely nothing if UNC won.
I drank a good bit of beer at the game and near the end the score was really close. With about a minute left, USC was actually winning. I was getting a little scared, but then I looked down at the bench and saw Carey. No way a team with Carey Evans could beat The Tarheels...
They did, and I drove down to Columbia instead of going back to Chapel Hill.
When I got to Flake's apartment, it was packed with drunk people. They were very suprised when I showed up and had not expected me to honor the bet, but they had stuck around the apartment, drinking, just in case.
A sturdy blanket was selected and we went outside into the courtyard. There were about seven guys holding the blanket and I got in the middle. Things started slowly as the blanket's strength was tested and everyone practiced going up and down in unison.
What followed was not anything like the "blanket toss" that Jonie got on Happy Days.
Not only did my "friends" throw me as high as they possibly could (alarmingly high), but they also let me smack the ground after every "toss" before heaving me back up into the Columbia sky.
Toss - "Five Points looks crowded"
Thud - "My ass is going to have a bruise"
Toss - "Wow, I can see Williams Brice Stadium"
Thud - I think I dislocated my Shoulder"
Toss - "Is that Lake Murry?"
Thud - "I can't feel my legs"
Now, when I hear "blanket toss", I don't think of Jonie, I think of me.

It is very difficult for UNC students to get basketball tickets. I only got tickets once while at UNC and my back was against the wall at the very top of the Dean Dome, on the last row.
For many years the Tarheels played in an annual tournament in Charlotte, The Tournament of Champions. From its inception, the Tournament of Champions featured UNC, South Carolina, and two other teams. There were 2 games Friday night and then a consolation and championship game on Saturday night.
The Tournament of Champions doesn't exist any more, but while I was at UNC, and for many years afterward, it was my only chance to see UNC play basketball in person.
On the Tournament of Champions weekend in question, I left Old West, met my dad in Charlotte, and went to the Friday night game where UNC played South Carolina.
At that time, I could not have cared less about USC basketball because they were not very good. UNC's team was packed with All-Americans and contended for an ACC and national Championship every year, while USC stunk and had a white guy from my high school named Carey Evans. I suppose maybe Carey could dunk, but I remembered him as the little skinny dude who had gone out on a few dates with my younger sister, Jeny.
Before the game, I made a bet with my friend and USC student, Richard Flake. Richard and Chip Burn had an apartment on Green Street in Columbia. Flake's apartment was the hangout for all my Columbia friends. The bet was that if USC beat UNC, I would drive down to Columbia and let Richard and Chip give me a "Blanket Toss". I was so confident that I got absolutely nothing if UNC won.
I drank a good bit of beer at the game and near the end the score was really close. With about a minute left, USC was actually winning. I was getting a little scared, but then I looked down at the bench and saw Carey. No way a team with Carey Evans could beat The Tarheels...
They did, and I drove down to Columbia instead of going back to Chapel Hill.
When I got to Flake's apartment, it was packed with drunk people. They were very suprised when I showed up and had not expected me to honor the bet, but they had stuck around the apartment, drinking, just in case.
A sturdy blanket was selected and we went outside into the courtyard. There were about seven guys holding the blanket and I got in the middle. Things started slowly as the blanket's strength was tested and everyone practiced going up and down in unison.

Not only did my "friends" throw me as high as they possibly could (alarmingly high), but they also let me smack the ground after every "toss" before heaving me back up into the Columbia sky.
Toss - "Five Points looks crowded"
Thud - "My ass is going to have a bruise"
Toss - "Wow, I can see Williams Brice Stadium"
Thud - I think I dislocated my Shoulder"
Toss - "Is that Lake Murry?"
Thud - "I can't feel my legs"
Now, when I hear "blanket toss", I don't think of Jonie, I think of me.
Edisto - Shark Guy
4th of July week is the most crowded week at Edisto beach. Last week, the beach was packed with people. It was sooo hot, that the water was full of people. I was out in the water with my 6 year old daughter and other family members.

Out past us, a little deeper, there was a guy with a teenage kid, paddling around in a bright orange kayak with fishing rods. Kayaking at the beach is, in-and-of-itself, a very "look at me" thing to do. This guy took it to another level.
The kayak started coming in closer to the shore and I could see that the kid had something on his line.
"What do you got?" I asked the guy as he paddled by.
"A 3 foot shark" he replied.
He then proceeded to row past us, row ashore, and beach the kayak. The kid handed the guy his fishing rod.
At this point, people started to get out of the water.
The guy started trying to bring in the shark and as it thrashed about in the shallow water and people saw what it was, more people started getting out of the water.
We just watched, amazed. "I hope it jumps out of the water and latches on to that guy's face" I said to my cousin Ryan.
Ryan was on leave from the Marines. "If anyone gets bitten by a shark this week, it is that guy's fault", Ryan warned, clinching his fists.
Then the guy starts walking down the beach toward us, trying to bring in the shark.
The water is now totally empty of people, who are all standing around watching.
Finally, the guy brings in the shark and throws it up unto the sand. It was about 3 feet long. It laid still. A crowd gathered to look.
My son, Sam said "It the shark going to bite someone?"
"No, it can't breath and it is dying." I answered, loud enough for all to hear.
Then the shark started thrashing around a bit covering itself with sand.
"What is it doing?" Sam asked.
"It is calling for its mama." I answered, again loud enough for all to hear.
The guy looked very confused and ran away.
A few of us walked over to the beach patrol lady who had pulled up on her 4-wheeler and asked if she could give the guy some sort of ticket. Regretfully, she answered "no" as the guy came back with some scissors, cut the line, and carried the shark, by the tail, and put it back into the water.

Out past us, a little deeper, there was a guy with a teenage kid, paddling around in a bright orange kayak with fishing rods. Kayaking at the beach is, in-and-of-itself, a very "look at me" thing to do. This guy took it to another level.
The kayak started coming in closer to the shore and I could see that the kid had something on his line.
"What do you got?" I asked the guy as he paddled by.
"A 3 foot shark" he replied.
He then proceeded to row past us, row ashore, and beach the kayak. The kid handed the guy his fishing rod.
At this point, people started to get out of the water.
The guy started trying to bring in the shark and as it thrashed about in the shallow water and people saw what it was, more people started getting out of the water.
We just watched, amazed. "I hope it jumps out of the water and latches on to that guy's face" I said to my cousin Ryan.
Ryan was on leave from the Marines. "If anyone gets bitten by a shark this week, it is that guy's fault", Ryan warned, clinching his fists.
Then the guy starts walking down the beach toward us, trying to bring in the shark.
The water is now totally empty of people, who are all standing around watching.
Finally, the guy brings in the shark and throws it up unto the sand. It was about 3 feet long. It laid still. A crowd gathered to look.
My son, Sam said "It the shark going to bite someone?"
"No, it can't breath and it is dying." I answered, loud enough for all to hear.
Then the shark started thrashing around a bit covering itself with sand.
"What is it doing?" Sam asked.
"It is calling for its mama." I answered, again loud enough for all to hear.
The guy looked very confused and ran away.
A few of us walked over to the beach patrol lady who had pulled up on her 4-wheeler and asked if she could give the guy some sort of ticket. Regretfully, she answered "no" as the guy came back with some scissors, cut the line, and carried the shark, by the tail, and put it back into the water.
Friday, July 07, 2006
Thursday, July 06, 2006
The Result = Turnipblog
Everyday, people do a Google, Yahoo, or some other internet search, and the results turn up Turnipblog and the person then checks out Turnipblog.
Not to beat a dead horse, but the majority of people who look at Turnipblog are searching for photos of Katharine McPhee's feet or Kellie Pickler's new haircut.
Here are some other odd searches that led people to Turnipblog, with my comments and/or links to the post of interest. The highlighted text are actual internet searches that led to Turnipblog:
Google searches
1. list of 1980's cartoon characters with big bushy eyebrows that rode in a floating chair (I can't imagine the list is very long)
2. "et takes one to know one", and "E. T. takes one to know one" (link)
3. "survivor is staged" (Duhh!)
4. peeing between cars (Been There, Done That(link))
5. unc haters (You hate us cause we are great, but I hate Duke cause they suck)
6. mouse "human ear on back" (link)
7. Video of when the "That 70's Show" cast sings "Hello It's Me". (Let me know if you can't find it and I'll sing it)
8. "I want to singa" or i wanna singa cartoon or "i want to singa" cartoon (Aside from American Idol related searches, this is the leading Turnipblog search as 11 different people have looked at Turnipblog searching for information on this classic cartoon (link))
9. song lyrics, scrubs, turk, propose carla (look um up, its "Question" by Old 97's)
10. "most poisonous animal" (I hope they lose in World Cup Final (link))
11. "i don't like lance armstrong" (join the club (link))
12. losing weight by a staple on the ear Dr's in Corpus Christi (have you tried eating less and exercising?)
13. lego spaceships (Mine were the coolest)
14. canada boy Ghyslain star wars nerd 15 lightsaber comic (or just "Star Wars Kid" (link))
15. jj redick virgin (I believe it)
16. "josh myer" florida (an out of work actor googling himself)
17. josh and seth myer (Josh Myer thinking "Maybe I'll get more results if I include my famous brother.")
Yahoo Searches
18. what year did the song lorelei with lead vocals by dennis deyoung come out 1975 (link)
19. Allison Munn butt (Czen's wife claims to know her. Rebecca, does it look good in person?)
20. von dutch energy drink bad (It sure is)
21. secret society of the turnip green (I'll never divulge the secret handshake)
22. TORIE SPELLING WEDDING PHOTOS (I have some. See the photo below, titled "You may kiss the Bride")
Not to beat a dead horse, but the majority of people who look at Turnipblog are searching for photos of Katharine McPhee's feet or Kellie Pickler's new haircut.
Here are some other odd searches that led people to Turnipblog, with my comments and/or links to the post of interest. The highlighted text are actual internet searches that led to Turnipblog:
Google searches
1. list of 1980's cartoon characters with big bushy eyebrows that rode in a floating chair (I can't imagine the list is very long)
2. "et takes one to know one", and "E. T. takes one to know one" (link)
3. "survivor is staged" (Duhh!)
4. peeing between cars (Been There, Done That(link))
5. unc haters (You hate us cause we are great, but I hate Duke cause they suck)
6. mouse "human ear on back" (link)
7. Video of when the "That 70's Show" cast sings "Hello It's Me". (Let me know if you can't find it and I'll sing it)
8. "I want to singa" or i wanna singa cartoon or "i want to singa" cartoon (Aside from American Idol related searches, this is the leading Turnipblog search as 11 different people have looked at Turnipblog searching for information on this classic cartoon (link))
9. song lyrics, scrubs, turk, propose carla (look um up, its "Question" by Old 97's)
10. "most poisonous animal" (I hope they lose in World Cup Final (link))
11. "i don't like lance armstrong" (join the club (link))
12. losing weight by a staple on the ear Dr's in Corpus Christi (have you tried eating less and exercising?)
13. lego spaceships (Mine were the coolest)
14. canada boy Ghyslain star wars nerd 15 lightsaber comic (or just "Star Wars Kid" (link))
15. jj redick virgin (I believe it)
16. "josh myer" florida (an out of work actor googling himself)
17. josh and seth myer (Josh Myer thinking "Maybe I'll get more results if I include my famous brother.")
Yahoo Searches
18. what year did the song lorelei with lead vocals by dennis deyoung come out 1975 (link)
19. Allison Munn butt (Czen's wife claims to know her. Rebecca, does it look good in person?)
20. von dutch energy drink bad (It sure is)
21. secret society of the turnip green (I'll never divulge the secret handshake)
22. TORIE SPELLING WEDDING PHOTOS (I have some. See the photo below, titled "You may kiss the Bride")

Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Edisto - Turnip Jam
Every 4rth of July the Turnipseed family heads down to Edisto Beach for a week.
We are talking uncles, aunts, cousins, and kids of cousins (whatever they are called?).
This year we had a super jam session on the 4rth. It started with everyone as seen in these photos.

Then it started getting late and the bugs were biting big time. By about 11:00, only cousin Ryan was still playing the guitar and singing with about 5 of us watching and listening. After every song we would "judge".
Everyone else was Randy:
"It was just ahh-ite for me, I wasn't really feeling it."
"We got a hot one tonight, let me hear you dog pound."
I was Simon:
"You just served notice to the competition."
"It sounded like bad kareokee."
We were all drunk like Paula.
We are talking uncles, aunts, cousins, and kids of cousins (whatever they are called?).
This year we had a super jam session on the 4rth. It started with everyone as seen in these photos.

Then it started getting late and the bugs were biting big time. By about 11:00, only cousin Ryan was still playing the guitar and singing with about 5 of us watching and listening. After every song we would "judge".
Everyone else was Randy:
"It was just ahh-ite for me, I wasn't really feeling it."
"We got a hot one tonight, let me hear you dog pound."
I was Simon:
"You just served notice to the competition."
"It sounded like bad kareokee."
We were all drunk like Paula.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Germany - Shut Out
Monday, July 03, 2006
I'm Outta Here!
See ya Suckers!
I'm gonna be Ree-ach, Bee-ach!
Check out the e-mail I got today:
"From: Miss Mary Bamba.
Abidjan, Ivory Coast.
I know that this will usher in a sincere relationship based on transparent honesty. I am Miss Mary Bamba, the only child (daughter) of late Mr.Robert Bamba from Cote D'Ivoire. My late father was an Abidjan based timber and cocoa merchant.
It is obvious that, this mail and its contents will appear to you as a surprise because we are yet to know ourselves but, I believe that true relationship begins in one day if trust and understanding reign. I have my reason for establishing a new relationship for the purpose of this transaction and that I shall relate to you as we proceed.
My contacting you is for you to help me for the investment of my inheritance (US$7.5Million) which is presently deposited in a trusted security company here in Abidjan Ivory Coast ( Cote d'Ivoire ).
For your sincere effort in helping me to retreive the trunk box which contains the fund from the security company, I have resolved to give you 15% of the total sum.
Your quick and positive response to this mail will save a soul as I am passing through a difficult situation here.
Thanks and remain blessed.
Miss Mary Bamba."
I'm gonna be Ree-ach, Bee-ach!
Check out the e-mail I got today:

Abidjan, Ivory Coast.
I know that this will usher in a sincere relationship based on transparent honesty. I am Miss Mary Bamba, the only child (daughter) of late Mr.Robert Bamba from Cote D'Ivoire. My late father was an Abidjan based timber and cocoa merchant.
It is obvious that, this mail and its contents will appear to you as a surprise because we are yet to know ourselves but, I believe that true relationship begins in one day if trust and understanding reign. I have my reason for establishing a new relationship for the purpose of this transaction and that I shall relate to you as we proceed.
My contacting you is for you to help me for the investment of my inheritance (US$7.5Million) which is presently deposited in a trusted security company here in Abidjan Ivory Coast ( Cote d'Ivoire ).
For your sincere effort in helping me to retreive the trunk box which contains the fund from the security company, I have resolved to give you 15% of the total sum.
Your quick and positive response to this mail will save a soul as I am passing through a difficult situation here.
Thanks and remain blessed.
Miss Mary Bamba."
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Optical Illusion
Poker Night
As you know, I am a Bunco husband. Well a few of the Bunco wives got together and decided that the bunco husbands should have a poker night for fathers day. Due to planning considerations, the poker night was friday night, at my house.
The men showed up one by one, with food and beer. I had a tray of those ham biscuit things; "FD" showed up with wings; "MB" brought chips and salsa; "KT" brought chicken salad; and "CZN" showed up late with a crock pot full of meatballs.
"KT" also brought a box full of liquor, including a half gallon of vodka, half gallon of bourbon, and half gallon of Captain Morgan.
We played Texas Hold'em and it was fun. About half way through the evening we decided to start taking shots. It seemed as though "FD" and "CZN" were taking the most shots. They also seemed to be getting the drunkest. At one point "CZN" covered a paper plate with meatballs and ate them all. That is all I remember him eating.
By the end of the night (only midnight), "FD" was passed out on my couch and I found CZN wandering around in my dark garage.
Now, to the point of my story. The next morning Madeline wanted to ride her bike in the cul-de-sac. Her mother told her that she couldn't and I didn't understand why until she came out and whispered that I needed to clean CZN's vomit off of the street before madeline would be allowed to ride her bike.
I went and got the hose and screwed the spray nozzle on and stretched it out as far as it would go, about 5 feet from the perfectly round, 3/4 of an inch high, vomit pile that was located right beside where CZN's SUV had been parked the night before.
The mound started breaking up as soon as I started spraying it towards the gutter. The smell was intense and suffocating. Apparently CZN had eaten something other than meatballs, as there were chunks of chicken, so large, that he must have somehow pulled all of the meat off of each wing he ate, in one piece, and swallowed it, without even chewing.
You would think that I was pissed-off as I kicked bits of meat out of the neighbors grass and back into the gutter with the toe of my shoe, but I wasn't. I smiled the entire time, thinking of the great Turnipblog post that was shaping up...
The men showed up one by one, with food and beer. I had a tray of those ham biscuit things; "FD" showed up with wings; "MB" brought chips and salsa; "KT" brought chicken salad; and "CZN" showed up late with a crock pot full of meatballs.
"KT" also brought a box full of liquor, including a half gallon of vodka, half gallon of bourbon, and half gallon of Captain Morgan.
We played Texas Hold'em and it was fun. About half way through the evening we decided to start taking shots. It seemed as though "FD" and "CZN" were taking the most shots. They also seemed to be getting the drunkest. At one point "CZN" covered a paper plate with meatballs and ate them all. That is all I remember him eating.
By the end of the night (only midnight), "FD" was passed out on my couch and I found CZN wandering around in my dark garage.

I went and got the hose and screwed the spray nozzle on and stretched it out as far as it would go, about 5 feet from the perfectly round, 3/4 of an inch high, vomit pile that was located right beside where CZN's SUV had been parked the night before.
The mound started breaking up as soon as I started spraying it towards the gutter. The smell was intense and suffocating. Apparently CZN had eaten something other than meatballs, as there were chunks of chicken, so large, that he must have somehow pulled all of the meat off of each wing he ate, in one piece, and swallowed it, without even chewing.
You would think that I was pissed-off as I kicked bits of meat out of the neighbors grass and back into the gutter with the toe of my shoe, but I wasn't. I smiled the entire time, thinking of the great Turnipblog post that was shaping up...
Saturday, July 01, 2006
A Message From Cat Deeley
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