Ok, I had this dream last night.
First, I was with my family at some sort of car race. The details were a little sketchy as I have never actually been to a car race.
Then, I was driving my car, in reverse, in a parking lot and got confused about what was the brake and what was the gas and I smashed into another car and really messed up both cars.

Then I decided to flee the scene and started driving away. I felt something down below the steering wheel. I reached down there into the dark and something started tickling my hand. I grabbed whatever it was and pulled my hand up to my face and opened it to reveal 2 little fingers. The fingers were the size of my son Sam's fingers and they were bending and then un-bending, tickling my palm. The fingers were not attached to any hand, but also did not appear to be severed or bloody in any way. I stared at the fingers, horrified, bending and unbending, tickling my palm...
Then a voice woke my up. It was Sam, standing beside the bed, asking me to get him apple juice, as he does in the middle of the night, almost every night.
Jeff, I remember one time when we were about 16 yrs old when you really did get confused on which pedal was the brake. We accelerated rather abruptly into the garage steps at casa de seed. I hope my kids are nicer to me than I was to them. Freaky dream also. Billy
....nicer to me than i was to my parents--its 3:50 am and I'm not thinking clearly yet. Billy
It appears that you are feeling some guilt about your repressed homosexual/bisexual feelings and how they could affect your family if revealed - i.e., the backing up really fast and crashing and then fleeing the scene, not knowing the "brake" from the "gas", and then realizing you couldn't act on these impulses because you have a family now. Pretty obvious. This one is probably in a Psych 101 textbook.
I remember that well. Had it not been for those brick steps, we would have parked my mom's car in my parent's Den/Laundry/Kitchen combo room.
Each time I read your blog I learn with horror some new secret thing I never knew that happened in your youth, often involving Billy or Beattie, and having to do with our car, our garage our attic, etc. I am so glad I did not know then what I know now. Ignorance is bliss !!
hello judy T.,
It's been forever since we've talked. I did not know you followed turnipblog with any regularity, or else I would have tempered some of my comments with a hint of responsibility. There are still a few things from the past that you don't know that should remain there--I will be careful in the future to let the past die where it is. I hope to see or talk to you soon. Please give my best to Tom and Jenny.
Billy Lide
You knew about the car in the garage incident. I had to tell you because the steps really messed up the bottom of your car and it had to be repaired.
However, when I told you the story I embellished that one of the cats ran in front of the car and that is why I tried to slam on the brakes and accidently hit the gas.
In actuality, there was no cat, I was just an idiot.
I did not know the legal terminology at the time, but my embelishment was setting up a "sudden emergency" defense.
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