Dubbed "The Big Jump", Fournier is eyeing next month for his supersonic free fall from about 130,000 feet (40 kilometers)—roughly 25 miles above the Earth. The dive from a balloon-carried gondola is slated to take place above the plains of Saskatchewan, Canada.
Record-setting fall
The Jump equipment is principally composed of a huge Russian-supplied stratospheric balloon and the specially crafted gondola. To ascend to jump height will take some 3 hours. The gondola shelters Fournier during ascent. It also is loaded with flight instruments: navigation equipment, oxygen bottles, radio gear, video recorders and Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite tracking device.
If successful, Fournier will beat four world parachutist’s records from the border of space:
* Altitude record for freefall
* Altitude record for human balloon flight
* Time record for longest freefall
* Speed record for fastest freefall—breaking the sound barrier in the process
After the separation of the balloon and at the time of Fournier’s jump, the gondola will descend by parachutes. The base of the gondola is equipped with shock absorbers for a safe touch down back on the ground.
Fournier will be wearing a spacesuit made of new synthetic material fabricated by the Textile Institute of France. The apparel is designed to thermally balance the wearer’s body during The Big Jump, yet is light enough to enhance Fournier’s maneuverability during the plunge to Earth.
In spotlighting the upcoming skydiving attempt, French astronaut, Jean-François Clervoy, stated that Fournier is to be admired for the human dimensions of the solo exploit because he will be the only person onboard the gondola to ultimately decide to step out into thin air and take the gigantic step.
1 comment:
What sort of record is that going to be when he splatts on the ground at the end of the "big "jump"?
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