If you don't know who Rich King is, you need to read these posts: Enter TPYG; TPYG Questions Answered; ku-ba-say

Rich had alarm clocks all over the room and they would go off in succession every morning. Most of the alarms beeped, others buzzed or clanged.
When an alarm would go off, Rich would turn it off (or hit snooze and then turn it off 9 minutes later) and then get back into bed.
Then the next alarm would go off a few minutes later, and he would do the same thing.
The sequence of the alarms was always changing, so Rich must have reset the alarms every night.
The worst alarm of all was The Buzzer. The Buzzer would start humming ever so quietly about a minute or two before it actually went off. The humming would get louder and louder and finally cresindo into a full blown, very loud, buzz when the alarm actually went off.
One morning we were all three asleep in the room, which was rare because Vic often stayed at his girlfriend's room. Rich's alarms started going off as usual. I can sleep through alarms, but I do wake up for a moment when they first go off.

After a while, it started getting ridiculous, but I would never let Rich make me lose my cool. It was amusing.
I tried, but I could not go back to sleep because I was counting how many alarms were going to go off before Rich finally got up and stayed up...
Eventually, The Buzzer started humming. As the humming grew louder and louder, I got madder and madder, to the point that when The Buzzer finally started buzzing, I lept out of my bed and stood above Rich.
Rich was lying there like a japanese vampire, grinning, with his hands folded over the top of the comforter, which was pulled up to his chin.
I started pulling on the comforter. By this time, Vic was watching and laughing from the top bunk above Rich.
Rich clenched both the comforter, and his eyes closed, as hard as he could.
Finally, I yanked the comforter, and Rich along with it, completely out of the bed, and onto cold hard dorm-room foor.
Looking back, I think Rich saw it as some odd sort of victory.
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