Apparently there is going to be a "big twist" this season. Isn't there a big twist every season? I am getting sick of hearing "This season there will be a Big Twist." Everyone knows that Survivor is staged and the producers manipulate everything. When they start filming the show they have no idea what the "Big Twist" is or when it will happen. They make that show up as they go along. A "Big Twist" would be if they had a pretty girl with zero percent bodyfat on Survivor who didn't have fake boobs.

Hearing about Survivor's Big Twist is almost as annoying as hearing, "This week, the most powerful West Wing of the season."
I don't watch the West Wing or any other show that claims to be "powerful". I want mindless entertainment on television, not "power".
What does it actually mean for a show to be powerful? As America seeks to end its dependancy on foreign oil, shouldn't we look to alternative sources of energy such as this week's "powerful" episode of E.R.?
No comments on survivor b/c i only watch it sporadically.
As for televsision promos..
Get rid of comedies that advertise drama. thank god Friends is over. -"you won't want to miss this very special episode of Friends" It was every other episode.
You are right about every other Friends being "special", but I remember a show that was even worse. Of course I refused to watch it because every week without fail the promo said:
"This week, on a very special Party-of-Five."
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