Saturday, December 10, 2005

Bunco Party

If you don't know what Bunco is, click here.

My wife's Bunco group had it's Christmas party last night, and husbands were invited. This gives the women a chance to put faces to the husbands that they have been hearing about all year. For example:

"____'s husband doesn't seem like that much of a dumb-ass." or

"I pictured him with more hair." or

"So that's who _______ isn't having sex with."

You get the idea.

The party was fun and the food was great. There was a lot of drinking. There was so much drinking that I actually played Taboo for the first time since the "We are in ____ " incident.


Anonymous said...

For the sake of my Bunco friends, let me say that those were not actual quotes. Those examples are only my husband poking fun about what he thinks we talk about.

Seed said...

Those were not meant to be quotes, but rather possible personal thoughts of Bunco women after meeting fictional Bunco husbands.

The quotes could have been:

"He's a lawyer?" or

"He is even shorter than I pictured." or

"He doesn't chew that loud."

Anonymous said...

My wife also is a bunco-er and what I don't particularly like or understand is why, on the night of her hosting the party, she wants me to leave the house. Not sent to my own upstairs bat cave until the party ends--but she actually asks me to leave. Usually I don't mind because it gives me a chance to shoot pool and drink beer with some friends. But if she wants me so far removed from her bunco-ness during the monthly event, why does she beg and plead with me to be a part of the couples night?? I have consented one time and it was actually pretty fun but the other husbands were so uncool, I have sent my sis in law in my place for their last several couples events.

I agree with you on the personal quote issue. When the bunco women learned I was a project manager of a construction company the thoughts seemed to center in this direction:
"He's not as dirty as I thought."
"I thought you said he always wore boots."