Sunday, September 23, 2007

What Makes Me Smile

In an earlier post, I discussed how I refuse to honk for the bank teller, despite a sign taped in the bank teller window prompting me to do so (link).

Well, they are at it again.

Friday, I drove to the bank to deposit my pay-check, and when I got my receipt, there was a little card with it that read,

Let's break this down.

I got in my car in 90 degree heat and drove to the bank.

You were sitting in a comfortable chair in a little air-conditioned room.

I put $700 of my money in a plastic tube.

The tube was sucked into the little air-conditioned room and you opened it and took my money.

That didn't make me smile.

Let's talk about something this week that did make me smile.

Over the course of a week, my family generated leftover food, used paper products, and other waste.

I put all that trash in a large green container and wheeled it out to the curb.

On Monday, a group of underpaid guys drove a grubby truck, in the 90 degree heat, to my house and picked up the garbage for me.

Having to drive to the bank so that someone in an air-conditioned room can take my money =

No Smile!

Having someone drive to my house to take away a weeks worth of smelly crap that I don't want =


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