Sarc is very easy to learn and fun to use.
So far, we have learned basic sarc, double sarc, and how to give an "Ehhh".
Now it is time to learn about "Geeze" pronounced with a hard "G".
I have no idea how the word "Geeze" originated. My friends and I have used the word Geeze since Irmo Middle School.
It is impossible to give a succinct definition of "Geeze", but I will do my best.
Geeze is when something bad happens to someone.
When someone else gets Geezed, it is usually funny and that person's misfortune gives pleasure to others.
For instance = When Smacky sneaked into Richard's room and secretly turned off Richard's alarm clock the night before a big test - We would say that Smacky Geezed Richard.
You Geeze someone not by directly causing them harm, but by setting a Geeze in motion.
For instance = If I punch you in the face - I have punched but not Geezed you.
On the other hand, if I tell a large mean person that you called him an idiot and that big mean person then punches you in the face - I have Geezed you.
Geeze is an excellent taunt to rub salt in the wounds of a friend who has just had something bad happen to them.
For instance = If one of my highschool friends came up to me and said "My mother caught me sneaking out and now I am on restriction." - my response would be to say "Geeze!"
The television show The Simpsons can be used to show proper use of Geeze.
For instance = On the television show The Simpsons, whenever Homer says "Doohhh!" - it is because he has just been geezed.
More examples
When my "friends" made the entire Irmo High School library think that I passed gas - that was a Geeze.
You are Geezing someone when you give them an "Ehhh!"
If there is a group of sarc speakers, and one of them gives the bus driver an "Ehhh!", then the others who witnessed the "Ehhh!" can follow it up with a taunt of "Geeze!"
Geeze is a very important sarc word and if you can practice and master use of the word "Geeze", you will be well on your way to mastering sarc.
Till next time, keep practicing your sarc.
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