Old West Tales focuses on events that occurred in Old West dorm, but I did occasionally get out of Chapel Hill the year that I lived in Old West. Each road trip could be an entire post, but after Sinbad-ing(link) each story, only a paragraph remained.
Once a week Joe Perry and I would drive to his Momma's house in Siler City to do laundry. It was a nice 30 minute drive through the country. This trip would usually be on Friday so that we could watch The Young & The Restless (for those not familiar with Soap Operas, stuff happens on Friday). We would then get a cheesburger at Johnson's or Chris's.

My best Elon memory = We were partying in a dorm room in Elon when a very young, very drunk, very NC country sounding girl came stumbling into the room in a panick asking "Is it true? Is it true? Have ya'll heard?...
... Axle Rose Is Dead."

I would occasionally go home to Columbia, SC where many of my friends were at USC (see this post(link)). When I went home for Thanksgiving dinner my Sophomore year, my parents had become vegetarians and served Thanksgiving Shrimp Scampi for the first time.
Twice while at Old West I made a road trip, with some of the old Irmo gang, all the way to Sewanee, Tennesse to Fall and Spring Party Weekend at University of The South where Beattie was in school. These parties were pretty fun and you had to try really hard to get in trouble in Sewanee. I wouldn't call the students Southern Snobs, but they have a tradition of tapping the roof of the car when entering Sewanee to let the Angel know they don't need him/her anymore. Beattie was a gownsman and wore a robe around to class. There was a little bus that drove around Sewanee at night that would pick up drunk students and drive them wherever they wanted to go.
Joe and I went to "Bud Fest" in Myrtle Beach over Easter weekend. This was a huge party and the beach would get so crowded with college kids that you couldn't see the sand. What more need I say other than that Budweiser sponsored the event. One interesting phenomena that I observed at Bud Fest was what I called a "wrestling circle". There was a huge circle of guys and two of roughly the same size would step into the circle and wrestle in the sand. It was brutal. A lot of football players squared off but by far the best wrestler was someone that I knew. My friend Tony Maas' older brother David, who was at the time a wrestler at Appalachain State University, got into the circle and could not be beaten by like five or six guys until a much larger guy finally beat him.

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