There are some people who do not even own a TV, by choice. There are people who prefer reading to watching television. I can read People magazine, or a cookbook, while watching television.

I mean, the other kids that got killed or disfigured in the Chocolate Factory totally deserved it for being gluttons, or greedy, or gum smackers. But Mike got shrunk to the height of 1 or 2 inches - Why?
Because (pause for effect) he liked (pause) to watch (pause) TV!
Well then shrink me too, because Mike is a hero, My hero.
To all of those who think that there is nothing worthwhile on television;
To those who think TV is a vast wasteland of mindless sex and violence;
To those who claim that no enriching, quality, programming exists;
To Willy, the Oompa Loompas, and others who think Mike TV got what he deserved;
I have 3 words...
American Idol Auditions
I am so with you dear brother - and don't we have Survivor to look forward to on Thursdays once again?
I to am a faithful, mildly obsessive tv watcher. I also have TiVo, although not the name brand just a DVR, and I can never go back again. I record American Idol and watch it with my sis, as well as the new must see tv Thursday! I use to try and hide my love for tv for fear of being ridiculed but no longer! I say watch, watch, watch and tell others how wonderful all the shows you watch are!! WAy to go Jeff-thanks for allowing me to admit my passion, I mean obsession!! Sheri
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