You have already met Vic, Brian, The Graham boys, whats-her-name, Hie-May, Frat boy's below us, Dan, Hippe-guy with Black Sabbath bootleg, Luther, Brian the fish, and Tojo, but more introductions are needed:
Joe - Joe Perry, of Siler City not Aerosmith. My suite mate in Teague freshman year and best friend at UNC sophomore year. (Vic was close, but always up girlfriend's butt)
Robin - Good friend of mine from Kiiiiiiiin-stun, NC. I sort of dated Robin our freshman year for a short time but gave up because she smoked cigs and there was too much competition (40 to 50% of all males who know Robin are in love with her).
Sane Guy - Steve from Tabor city. Crazy as hell. Freshman year we introduced him to some things that we probably shouldn't have, and he really flipped out. As he was lifting me over his head and screaming "I feel so Alive!", Robin started calling him "Sane Guy" (sarcasm) and the name stuck.
JJ - Jennifer Jolly, the Jolly Red Giant. 5'10" redhead who I dated end of freshman, beginning of sophomore year. JJ was singer in Vic's band Sophomore year.
Bob - Rich kid from Bronxville, NY. Bob was a guitar player who discovered fried chicken when he arrived in the research triangle area and would drive 20 minutes to Durham for Bojangles in a heart-beat.
Sane Guy - The name of Vic's, Bob's and JJ's band. Named after Sane Guy, the person.
Sane Guy played quite a few gigs here and there in little bars on Franklin Street. Vic looked and acted the part of a rocker. Because she was bashfull, JJ would get drunk before singing. The tricky part was for JJ to keep her drunk level between courage and slurred lyrics (she had often reached the latter by the end of a gig). Bob could absolutely shred on the guitar, but while everyone else looked like rockers, Bob looked like the short, balding, redhead yankee kid with a brand new, stiff, baseball cap perched on his head.

One night, at Bob's insistence, we went to see Majosha, a white-boy-funk band comprised of music geeks like himself. Majosha's bass player is pictured at right.
Markland - My longtime soccer buddy from Irmo High School who went to Southern New Jersey University (Duke). He would come over to Chapel Hill every other month because of the pretty girl shortage in Durham.
Beattie - One of my best friends from Irmo, was at University of The South, in Sewanee, Tennessee.
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