The rehearsal was thursday night, on the beach. Gina, Buddy's wife, is from Pennsylvania. I was talking to Gina's sister at the rehearsal and she was leisurely planning her toast for the next night. I had to tell her, "I don't know how they do it up North, but in South Carolina you will be giving the toast tonight, at the rehearsal dinner." The rehearsal dinner was at Fulton Five, good food.
Friday morning Cyndy wakes me up with,
"You have to get up and go to the store right now to get apple juice, Sam drank Pine Sol"
Apparently, my mother-in-law mistook Pine Sol for apple juice and poured it into Sam's sippy cup. Honest mistake since they look and smell (?) so much alike. Sam was fine and I was dispatched for real apple juice at the reccomendation of poison control.
The wedding was planned for friday night at 6:00, out on the beach. It rained, off-and-on, all day long friday. I was honored to be chosen, by Buddy, to perform the ceremonial Shaving-of-the-Back-of-the-Groom's-Neck friday afternoon.
Friday night at 5:00 it was raining. At 5:15 it was raining. At 5:30 the rain stopped but it was very cloudy. I was dispatched to the dressing room to get a (beach or inside?) executive decision from Gina. Gina decided "beach", but told me to check with the musicians first. I found the 3 musicians warming up in a corner and stood, looking impatient, until they stopped playing. I told them that Gina wanted to have the ceremony outside and they said "Ok, but if one drop of rain falls, we are packing up our instruments and coming inside."
We placed buckets of flip-flops on the dunes for the wedding guests to wear onto the beach and got lined up. Of course, as soon as we all got set up, it started drizzling. As Gina started walking out, I looked over and the band was sitting there with their instruments in their laps, in the cases. One of the other groomsmen started humming, "Dum dum da dum, dum dum da dum". The other groomsmen, and then everyone else, joined in. The ceremony was a success, but as I stood there and watched the band sitting and trying not to make eye contact with the wedding party, I was thinking, "I've got a precious instrument that you can blow, and I don't care if it gets wet."
The reception was fun with good food (shrimp-n-grits and carving station). There was a DJ and a lot of dancing. I don't know if it was the floor cleaner talking, or what, but Sam busted out with a freestyle hip-hop routine (I would have called it break-dancing a month ago before watching "So You Think You Can Dance"). Everyone cleared the floor and watched Sam for about 3 songs until Cyndy finally had to go get him.
Here are some photos:

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