Come on people, give me your opinions on if? where? when? and under what circumstances? it is acceptable to pee outside!
For instance: I have no problem peeing through a porch screen, but I refuse to "take a knee" to pee outside.
If you don't want to talk about peeing outside, what about peeing in a moving vehicle?, is it ever OK?
Do you prefer open cup or bottle with cap?
Dump out window while moving or wait till stopped and open door to dump?
Is it OK to cut the top off of a beer can and pee in it if you have been stuck in USC vs Georgia football traffic for an hour and a half?
I peed on the side of my college library during a music fest. The line to the stinky porta potty was too long.
As a woman, peeing in a skirt is most preferred. One can squat and pull the panties out of the way. Overalls is the worst - makes me so happy they are no longer the outfit of choice for concerts.
Girls don't have that good of aim, so beer cans and the such are really not possible. For us it is the bare ground, preferably with a slope away fromt he crowd 9and our feet).
I can tell you from experience that peeing from a train can be a challenge. Specifically, I had to go after a night out in Boston. On the train there you can move from car to car, as I recall. Anyway, I was "outside" between cars -- one foot was on one car and another foot was on another car -- and they do not move in unison. It was a harrowing experience, but I'm a better man for it.
I must say, peeing through a screen is about the least acceptable of outdoor peeing...what about the urine residue left on the screen?
Really, peeing outside is never an option unless you have access to a sink and some soap or at the very least some antibacterial wash/wipes!
Tuck 'n Wee!!!!
I think one should stick to the indoor potty. I can't even believe that peeing through a screen is acceptable to anyone, anywhere. I hope I have all girls.
Your "girls" will be on the slope helping dillydilly with her overalls.
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