Diagonally across the suite from us in Old West was another triple room full of Teague refugees. They were mostly from Graham, North Carolina and were physically alot bigger than we were, although they were far from Jocks. They built a loft in their room and slept in the loft. The ground was reserved for the television and three full sized lazy-boy recliners. They sat in these recliners, in the dark, and watched television, mostly soap opras. They would watch Bold and the Beautiful and comment about having sex with "Brooke". These guys would not get out of the recliners, unless they had to pass gas, then they would make sure to come into our room first.
One thing that amazed me about these guys was an incredible sixth sense that they had. They could sense when we had girls in the room. No matter what time of day or night, if we brought, or even snuck,a girl into our room, even if their door was closed, within seconds they would come strolling into the room to openly check her out, usually wearing nothing but a towel.
These guys thought my last name, "Turnipseed" was funny, but they always put their own cursing spin on it. For example: "What's up Turnipshit?", or "Where you going, Turnipfuck?"
My all time favorite, and the other two looked at the one who said it like he was an idiot, was "What's up, Turnipdick?"
Speaking of "full sized lazy-boy recliners" in Old West and other places............ Your Mom
Mom, As you can see, I returned the recliner yesterday. Thank you guys so much.
I must comment however that Old West had no air conditioning and the Graham boys would never sit in a leather recliner that is so sticky to the bare skin.
Was the bout between the Specter and me at my bantam class weight in OW or Teague.
monkey finger
it was old west. you booting markland in the behind was one of the funniest things ive ever seen.
disregard previous. spectre incident occurred in Teague (good guy peering defiantly around the corner). bukka
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