So You Think You Can Dance - Terribly rigged by producers so that crowd favorite Allan (pictured at right) could perform "Hip Hop" two weeks in a row while better, less fat, dancers had to perform "quickstep". Then, on top of that, the judges picked the bottom three couples based purely on technique.
Big Brother - April may have finally back-door'd James. Watch out for Yvette, she has "the friendship", her partner Bo, and James on her side. The producers totally rigged it so that Janelle would get the "loved one" call from Michael. I still love her.
Rock Star INXS - Will it be JD, Mig, or Marty. I'm thinking Mig; his song choice of "Live and Let Die" was the best this week.
Real World - Am I just getting too old, or does this season's Real World really suck this bad? I still don't care about Danny and Mel.
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