Do you a have a baby? Are you about to have a baby? Do you want that baby to sleep, or cry all night for no apparant reason? If you prefer blissful slumber over sleepless nights of "It's your turn", and you do not have a vibrating "bouncy seat" (pictured above), GET ONE NOW! It is the best $20 to $30 that you can spend on any goods or services, period.
Both of my kids were instantly soothed by the "bouncy seat". We have used it on the floor, on the couch, in the crib, and between us in our bed. I have driven to the 24-hour Wallmart in the middle of the night for "D" sized batteries. After two kids our bouncy seat got to the point where turning it on didn't always work unless you smacked the battery housing/vibrating unit just right.
*** warning, like cat-nip or pot, in rare cases the "bouncy seat" may not work.
1 comment:
You forgot to mention that the best part about the bouncey seat is that when all else fails and the kid still won't shut up the bouncey can also be used as a catapolt. Cock that baby back far enough and off they go. SPLAT. Oops, did I say that out loud.
Jen P.
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