Monday, November 06, 2006

Judah, Its me.

Check out this real e-mail that I sent last week.

To: ''
Subject: I stayed at your house as a kid.


My name is Jeff Turnipseed. I was watching TiVo the other night and saw you on 30 Rock. Then they showed your name on the credits. I recognized your name from my childhood and googled you to find out if you are the same Judah Friedlander that I knew as a kid. Today I read an interview that stated that you grew up in Maryland. This confirmed what I had suspected....

I am 37 years old and I guess that you are 36 - 38. I am from Columbia, South Carolina and I have played soccer since I was 10 years old and still play, recreationally.

In the earlier 80's, my soccer team from Irmo, South Carolina travelled to a soccer tournament in Bethesda. Me and another kid named Kevin Markland stayed at your house during the tournament as you played on a team that was also in the tournament.

I remember that we stayed in a large room (perhaps a basement) and that you had a ping-pong table and your brother thought that he was really good at ping-pong but Kevin spanked him in ping-pong.

Do you remember any of this? We rocked out to Judas Priest.

That is awesome that you are a comedian/movie star/TV star. I wish I was a comedian instead of a lawyer. Here is a link to my blog:

Please respond to this e-mail or leave a comment on my blog.

Jeff Turnipseed

I have yet to get a response to my e-mail.

Here is a link to Judah's website

Come on Judah, acknowledge me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That dude played soccer? I bet your Irmo team went further in the tournament than his team.