Saturday, June 24, 2006

Blackberry Pie

We have a "common area" behind our new house. I call it a "common area" but it could just as easily be called a "tall weed area with drainage ditches".

In this common area grow wild blackberries. We have been picking them and the ones that I can keep Sam from eating immediately, I have been saving in a container in the refrigerator. I finally saved up 2 cups of wild blackberries and made a pie.

The pie actually looks better than it tasted, but it does compliment vanilla ice cream quite well.


Anonymous said...

mom made me pick blackberries by the bucketfull as a kid. She used to make awesome pie that looked much like yours.

did you manage to avoid chiggers? I scratch my groin area every time I eat a blackberry out of habit.

Seed said...

We recently found and picked more blackberries near the "pond" in out neighborhood.

Yesterday I took the kids back to pick even more, this time wearing long pants and climbing into the weeds and brush taller than me.

When we got back I was very itchy. Maybe it had something to do with the combo of woods and stagnant water.