Sunday, December 31, 2006
Saturday, December 30, 2006
James Brown - Popcorn, 1968
A truely great South Carolinian died this week. The "Godfather of Soul" taught Michael Jackson to dance and taught us all how to get up on the down stroke. Like Elvis, Jb is best remembered young and thin. |
Friday, December 29, 2006
Late Christmas Present
I got a late Christmas present today.
I know what you are thinking...
... I am going to say that my late present was USC's bowl win against Houston.
Although the bowl win is big and I am happy about it, there is something else that I got today that brings evern more pleasure than South Carolina winning the bowl game...

Thursday, December 28, 2006
Girl Role Models - Heather Mitts
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
The Reason for This Post...
I love Christmas, but I am glad that it is over.
There is one thing that bugs me sooo much about Christmas that it almost makes the holiday unbearable.
I don't know why it bothers me so much, but there is a stupid little saying that I hear every year that makes me want to choke a reindeer.
People think it is cute and catchy, it's not.
I hate to even type it ...
There is one thing that bugs me sooo much about Christmas that it almost makes the holiday unbearable.
I don't know why it bothers me so much, but there is a stupid little saying that I hear every year that makes me want to choke a reindeer.
People think it is cute and catchy, it's not.
I hate to even type it ...
The Reason For The Season
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Monday, December 25, 2006
A Seasonal Unitarian Greeting
My parents are UU's, and I grew up going to the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Columbia. The following is not far off:
Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, our best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all.
We also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the generally accepted calendar year 2007, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make America great. Not to imply that America is necessarily greater than any other country nor the only America in the Western Hemisphere. And without regard to the race, creed, color, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual preference of the wishes.
Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, our best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all.

Sunday, December 24, 2006
Worst Supergroup Ever - TRON
Do You remember the very bad 80's Disney Movie, Tron, where Jeff Bridges gets sucked into a computer.
Do you remember the 2 Tron arcade video games?
Do you remember the 80's supergroup Tron?
Bonnie Tyler had just released her most successful 80's single and video, Total Eclipse of The Heart, when she fired her band and decided to form a Supergroup with her two best friends Andrew Ridgley (of Wham) and John Oates (of Hall & Oates). The entire band The News dumped Huey Lewis and joined up immediately when Bonnie called.
Tyler, Bonnie
Ridgley, Andrew
Oates, John and
News, The
was born.
Does anyone remember what Tron's only hit was?
Do you remember the 2 Tron arcade video games?
Do you remember the 80's supergroup Tron?

Tyler, Bonnie
Ridgley, Andrew
Oates, John and
News, The
was born.
Does anyone remember what Tron's only hit was?
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Rankin/Bass Rock X-mas - Narrator Look-Alikes

For instance, Frosty The Snowman is narrated by a Jimmy Durante look alike and some later Frosty Special by a Andy Griffith look alike.
Does that sound confusing? Let me show you what I mean.
Rudolph is narrated by Sam The Snowman, who looks like, and is voiced by, Burl Ives.

This tradition continued last Christmas with a Harry Connick Jr. look-alike character narrating The Happy Elf. (although The Happy Elf is not Rankin/Bass Special)
Friday, December 22, 2006
Night Before Christmas, Law-speak-ized

Whereupon, the party of the first part (sometimes hereinafter referred to as "I"), being the joint owner in fee simple of the House with the party of the second part (hereinafter "Mamma"), and said Mamma had retired for a sustained period of sleep. At such time, the parties were clad in various forms of the appropriate sleepwear including head coverings, including but not limited to a kerchief and a cap.
Suddenly, and without prior notice or warning, there did occur upon the unimproved real property adjacent and appurtenant to said House, i.e., the lawn, a certain disruption of unknown nature, cause and/or circumstance. The party of the first part did immediately rush to a window in the House to investigate the cause of such disturbance. On or about that time, the party of the first part did observe, with some degree of wonderment and/or disbelief, a miniature sleigh (hereinafter "the Vehicle") being pulled and/or drawn very rapidly through the air by approximately eight (8) reindeer.
The driver of the Vehicle appeared to be and, in fact, was, the previously referenced Claus. Said Claus was providing specific direction, instruction, and guidance to the approximately eight (8) reindeer and specifically identified the animal co-conspirators by name: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen (hereinafter, both individually and collectively, "the Deer"). (Upon information and belief, it is further asserted that an additional previously unnamed co-conspirator named "Rudolph" may have similarly participated in the transportation of said Vehicle, but who was not, at this occasion, specifically addressed or identified by said Claus.)
The party of the first part witnessed Claus, the Vehicle and the Deer intentionally and willfully trespass upon the roofs of several residences located adjacent to and in the vicinity of the House, and noted that, in clear violation of several Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (see, e.g., §393 Subparts A and B and §658.17), the Vehicle was heavily laden (indeed, excessively and dangerously so) with packages, toys, and other items of unknown origin or nature. Suddenly, without prior invitation or permission, either express or implied, the Vehicle arrived at the House and landed upon and resting thereon said House’s roofing structure. Said Claus repelled into said House via its chimney, which was specifically not the intended use of said chimney and exceeded the express purpose for which said chimney was constructed.
Said Claus was clad in a red fur suit, which may or may not have met the flammability standards for clothing and apparel (see, 16 CFR Part 1610, et seq.), and which was partially covered with residue from the chimney. Claus carried a large sack containing a portion of the aforementioned packages, toys, and other unknown items. It is now known whether said toys and/or gifts were approved by the Consumer Products Safety Commission (hereinafter “the Commission”) or whether said toys and/or gifts were age and gender appropriate so as not to shock, frighten or offend said minor children residing in said House.
In direct violation of local ordinances banning the use and/or consumption of tobacco products in domestic dwellings, Claus was smoking what appeared to be tobacco in a small pipe thereby further endangering the health and safety of said residents by willfully and wantonly exposing them to second-hand smoke and creating a significant risk of fire to said House and its residents due to the potential fall out ashes or other incendiary tobacco by-products.
Claus did not speak, but immediately began to fill the stockings of the minor children, which hung adjacent to the chimney, with toys and other small gifts. (Said items are provided pursuant to and in accordance with the Uniform Gifts to Minors Act of the United States Tax Code; however, it was expressly understood and agreed that Claus would not provide and/or submit the appropriate W-9 form on behalf of said minor children. Party of the first part and party of the second part expressly assume any and all liability and tax consequences for accepting and/or receiving said gifts from Claus).
Upon completion of such task, Claus touched the side of his nose and flew, rose and/or ascended up the chimney of the House to the roof where the Vehicle and Deer waited and/or served as "lookouts." Claus immediately departed for an unknown destination.
However, prior to the departure of the Vehicle, Deer, and Claus from said House, the party of the first part did hear Claus state and/or exclaim:
"Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!" or words of similar meaning and intention.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Girl Role Models - Ms. Dewey

Ms. Dewey is Nice.
Ms. Dewey is Pretty.
The internet can be a big scary place.
Ms. Dewey helps people find things on the Internet.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Supergroup Defined
A few days ago I blogged about the supergroup XYZ(link) and then I realized that some of you who are Rock-Challenged may not know what a "Supergroup" is.
In the late 1960s, the term supergroup was coined to describe music groups composed of members who had already achieved fame or respect in other groups or as individual artists.
The term took its name from the 1968 album Super Session with Al Kooper, Mike Bloomfield, and Stephen Stills. The coalition of Crosby, Stills and Nash (later Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young(photo at right)) is another early example, given the success of their prior bands (The Byrds, Buffalo Springfield, and The Hollies).
Supergroups tend to be short-lived, often lasting only for an album or two, perhaps because of the natural conflict of egos between established stars. Additionally, supergroups are often formed as side-projects that are not intended to be permanent.
In the late 1960s, the term supergroup was coined to describe music groups composed of members who had already achieved fame or respect in other groups or as individual artists.

Supergroups tend to be short-lived, often lasting only for an album or two, perhaps because of the natural conflict of egos between established stars. Additionally, supergroups are often formed as side-projects that are not intended to be permanent.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
New Music Player Thing
I am experimenting with putting music on Turnipblog. If all goes well, you should be able to play a Christmas Greeting from the Beatles on the player below.
Click on the green musical note and then click play. I have no Idea what the rest of the buttons are for ... yet.
Click on the green musical note and then click play. I have no Idea what the rest of the buttons are for ... yet.
Broadcast Yourself LIVE |
Monday, December 18, 2006
Rankin/Bass Rock X-mas - Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town

The mailman's truck breaks down so he begins to tell the story of Santa Claus, in order to answer children's letters to Santa.
The story begins in a small town called Sombertown, which is ruled by Burgermeister Meisterburger. A baby arrives on his doorstep, with nothing more than a name tag that reads: "Claus". The Burgermeister orders his right-hand man, Grimsby to take the baby to the "Orphan Asylum". On the way, a gust of wind blows sled and baby far away, where he is discovered by a elf family by the name of Kringle. They immediately adopt him, giving him the name “Kris”. The Kringle family used to make toys for the king, but since the Burgermeister's rise to power, they have no longer been able to do so.
When Kris is old enough, he volunteers to deliver the toys to Sombertown, through the woods. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Kris, Burgermeister has outlawed all toys in Sombertown. Before he enters the town, he runs into a penguin who's lost trying to find his way to the South Pole. He befriends a penguin and names him "Topper". Kris arrives in the town, where he meets Mistress Jessica (pretty hot for claymation), a local schoolteacher. At first, she is somewhat rude to Kris, but begins to like him after he gives her a china doll (Something she had wanted since childhood). Burgermeister soon finds Kris, and after a short confrontation, chases him out of town.
In the woods outside of town, Kris and Topper meet the Winter Warlock, an evil wizard who lives in the woods. Kris offers him a toy train. This act of kindness melts the Warlock’s icy heart, and he too joins their group. After a few more attempts at delivering presents to Sombertown, Burgermeister manages to capture Kris, the Kringles, Topper, and the Winter Warlock.
Mistress Jessica, who managed to evade capture, climbs up to Winter's jail cell, and manages to get some of his "magic feed corn", which will give reindeer the ability to fly. With the help of the reindeer, the group manages to escape from their holding cells, and escape into the woods.
After months of being an outlaw, Kris (who has now grown his trademark beard) decides to go by the name of "Claus" (his birthname), and takes Jessica as his wife. In order to escape the Burgermeister, the group journeys to the North Pole, where they build a toy shop. As time goes on, the Burgermeister regime comes to an end, and Kris (now Santa Claus), whose fame has gone worldwide (and toy requests increased accordingly), decides to cut his number of visits down to once a year, on December 24th.
Not only does this Christmas Special explain a lot about Santa, it also has some great musical numbers, including "First Toymaker to the King".
The best song in this Special is "Put One Foot in Front of The Other", a fantastic dance number with Kris, Topper and the Winter Warlock.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Essence Passing
Conference play is about to get started in College basketball. This season, there are many questions in the ACC. The biggest of which is...
Who is going to step into the role of Most-Hated-Duke-White-Guy?
Duke white guy hate-a-bility is something that comes from with-in.
It is a spirit, an essence.
It is not something that you are born with.
It is passed from generation to generation.
When you have it, you are a great player, but a total A-hole.
When you pass it to the next Duke white guy, you lose all of you evil powers, including the ability to play basketball.
That is why JJ Redick is shooting .286 from the field and .333 from 3 point range in his young NBA career.
So who is the next Most-Hated-Duke-White-Guy?
Check out this phtotograph from last year, which has been enhanced with the latest Duke-White-Guy-Most-Hated-Essence photo developing techniques.
Who is going to step into the role of Most-Hated-Duke-White-Guy?
Duke white guy hate-a-bility is something that comes from with-in.
It is a spirit, an essence.
It is not something that you are born with.
It is passed from generation to generation.
When you have it, you are a great player, but a total A-hole.
When you pass it to the next Duke white guy, you lose all of you evil powers, including the ability to play basketball.
That is why JJ Redick is shooting .286 from the field and .333 from 3 point range in his young NBA career.
So who is the next Most-Hated-Duke-White-Guy?
Check out this phtotograph from last year, which has been enhanced with the latest Duke-White-Guy-Most-Hated-Essence photo developing techniques.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Thursday, December 14, 2006
X-mas Carols for the Mentally Ill
1. Schizophrenia --- Do You Hear What I Hear?
2. Multiple Personality Disorder --- We Three Kings Disoriented Are
3. Amnesia --- I Don't Know if I'll be Home for Christmas
4. Narcissistic ---Hark the Herald Angels Sing About Me
5. Manic --- Deck the Halls and Walls and House and Lawn and Streets and Stores and Office and Town and Cars and Buses and Trucks and Trees and Fire Hydrants and.......
6. Paranoid --- Santa Claus is Coming to Get Me
7. Borderline Personality Disorder --- Thoughts of Roasting on an Open Fire
8. Full Personality Disorder-- You Better Watch Out, I'm Gonna Cry, I'm Gonna Pout, Maybe I'll tell You Why
9. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ---Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells...
10. Agoraphobia --- I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day But Wouldn't Leave My House
11. Senile Dementia --- Walking in a Winter Wonderland Miles From My House in My Slippers and Robe
12. Oppositional Defiant Disorder --- I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus So I Burned Down the House
13. Social Anxiety Disorder --- Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas while I Sit Here and Hyperventilate
2. Multiple Personality Disorder --- We Three Kings Disoriented Are
3. Amnesia --- I Don't Know if I'll be Home for Christmas
4. Narcissistic ---Hark the Herald Angels Sing About Me
5. Manic --- Deck the Halls and Walls and House and Lawn and Streets and Stores and Office and Town and Cars and Buses and Trucks and Trees and Fire Hydrants and.......
6. Paranoid --- Santa Claus is Coming to Get Me
7. Borderline Personality Disorder --- Thoughts of Roasting on an Open Fire
8. Full Personality Disorder-- You Better Watch Out, I'm Gonna Cry, I'm Gonna Pout, Maybe I'll tell You Why
9. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ---Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells...
10. Agoraphobia --- I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day But Wouldn't Leave My House
11. Senile Dementia --- Walking in a Winter Wonderland Miles From My House in My Slippers and Robe
12. Oppositional Defiant Disorder --- I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus So I Burned Down the House
13. Social Anxiety Disorder --- Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas while I Sit Here and Hyperventilate
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
In Search Of - XYZ
Two of the biggest rock bands of the 70's were Led Zeppelin and Yes.
Led Zeppelin were the kings of rock in 1980 when their drummer, Jon Bonham died. The band broke up with singer Robert Plant starting a solo career and guitarist Jimmy Page forming The Firm.
Yes broke up at about the same time. Long time Yes singer Jon Anderson left the band before the 1980 Yes album Drama. After Drama, Yes guitarist Steve Howe and Yes keybord player Geoff Downes left Yes to joined the Supergroup Asia.
Throughout the 80's, I had always heard "tales" of a Supergroup that almost was, comprised of ex-members of both Yes and Zeppelin appropriately named XYZ.
Is XYZ fact or fiction?
Did it ever really exist?
Who, exactly was in XYZ?
Most importantly, did XYZ record and any music and does it still exist?
Here are the answers:
XYZ was the proposed name for an abortive supergroup. The name XYZ is taken from eX-Yes-&-Zeppelin as the group consisted of ex-Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page, along with ex-Yes members Chris Squire (bass guitar, vocals, keyboards) and Alan White (drums).
Page believed the band needed a strong vocalist and sought out former Led Zeppelin frontman Robert Plant — Plant did attend one XYZ rehearsal in 1981 but decided not to join the group, citing his dislike for complex progressive rock.
Without a commitment from Robert Plant, the project was shelved shortly thereafter.
Since the mid 1990s, a number of bootleg tracks have surfaced, originally recorded by XYZ at Chris Squire's home studio at New Pipers, in Virginia Water, Surrey, during April 1981. They are believed to have been sourced from demo tapes stolen from Jimmy Page's house at Cookham, Berkshire, in 1987.
These consist of four pieces: two instrumentals (the riff from one of which was used on The Firm's "Fortune Hunter"; the other was later incorporated into the 1997 Yes song "Mind Drive"), plus vocal numbers known as "Telephone Secrets" and "And (Do) You Believe It" (The latter track was recorded by Yes in 2001 and released as "Can You Imagine" on Magnification)
Of course I have a bootleg of all four XYZ songs. 2 of the songs are instumentals and Chris Squire sings on the other 2. It is clearly Jimmy Page playing on all 4 songs.
Let me know and I will burn you a copy of this interesting music that represents an interesting time in Rock almost-history.
Led Zeppelin were the kings of rock in 1980 when their drummer, Jon Bonham died. The band broke up with singer Robert Plant starting a solo career and guitarist Jimmy Page forming The Firm.
Yes broke up at about the same time. Long time Yes singer Jon Anderson left the band before the 1980 Yes album Drama. After Drama, Yes guitarist Steve Howe and Yes keybord player Geoff Downes left Yes to joined the Supergroup Asia.
Throughout the 80's, I had always heard "tales" of a Supergroup that almost was, comprised of ex-members of both Yes and Zeppelin appropriately named XYZ.

Did it ever really exist?
Who, exactly was in XYZ?
Most importantly, did XYZ record and any music and does it still exist?
Here are the answers:
XYZ was the proposed name for an abortive supergroup. The name XYZ is taken from eX-Yes-&-Zeppelin as the group consisted of ex-Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page, along with ex-Yes members Chris Squire (bass guitar, vocals, keyboards) and Alan White (drums).
Page believed the band needed a strong vocalist and sought out former Led Zeppelin frontman Robert Plant — Plant did attend one XYZ rehearsal in 1981 but decided not to join the group, citing his dislike for complex progressive rock.
Without a commitment from Robert Plant, the project was shelved shortly thereafter.
Since the mid 1990s, a number of bootleg tracks have surfaced, originally recorded by XYZ at Chris Squire's home studio at New Pipers, in Virginia Water, Surrey, during April 1981. They are believed to have been sourced from demo tapes stolen from Jimmy Page's house at Cookham, Berkshire, in 1987.
These consist of four pieces: two instrumentals (the riff from one of which was used on The Firm's "Fortune Hunter"; the other was later incorporated into the 1997 Yes song "Mind Drive"), plus vocal numbers known as "Telephone Secrets" and "And (Do) You Believe It" (The latter track was recorded by Yes in 2001 and released as "Can You Imagine" on Magnification)
Of course I have a bootleg of all four XYZ songs. 2 of the songs are instumentals and Chris Squire sings on the other 2. It is clearly Jimmy Page playing on all 4 songs.
Let me know and I will burn you a copy of this interesting music that represents an interesting time in Rock almost-history.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
How Many Of Me Are There?
Just first and last name, "Jeff Turnipseed", not full name, "Jefferson Davis Turnipseed" (I am the one and only).
Monday, December 11, 2006
Rankin/Bass Rock X-mas - The Misers
Q = What is the name of the children's special that has "Heatmiser" and "Snowmiser"?
A = Why that would be the 1974 Rankin/Bass classic The Year Without a Santa Claus.
Heatmiser and Snowmiser are pretty much the only reason to watch this Christmas special and their song totally rocks. Aside from HM and SM, The Year Without a Santa Claus is very average.
The Plot = I can't remember the plot exactly. Santa gets sick or decides to take one Christmas off. Two elves with a reindeer, in disguise, go to Sunnyville in the southern USA to save Christmas. I can't remember if the elves go there following Santa or if Santa goes there following the elves. Santa ends up staying with a family while in disguise. The reindeer gets caught by the dog-catcher and the mayor will only release him if it snows in Sunnyville. Snowmiser can make this happen, but only if Heatmiser consents. The misers are sons of Mother Nature. They somehow save Christmas.
A = Why that would be the 1974 Rankin/Bass classic The Year Without a Santa Claus.

The Plot = I can't remember the plot exactly. Santa gets sick or decides to take one Christmas off. Two elves with a reindeer, in disguise, go to Sunnyville in the southern USA to save Christmas. I can't remember if the elves go there following Santa or if Santa goes there following the elves. Santa ends up staying with a family while in disguise. The reindeer gets caught by the dog-catcher and the mayor will only release him if it snows in Sunnyville. Snowmiser can make this happen, but only if Heatmiser consents. The misers are sons of Mother Nature. They somehow save Christmas.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
1975 - Have You Never Been Mellow

My kid-friendly cd's are appropriate for the youngest ears, yet good enough to listen to even when kids are not in the car.
The 70's is my favorite music decade.
Have You Never Been Mellow is a kid-friendly mixed cd that I made highlighting the mellow music from 1975. You start this cd in the minivan when it is time for the kids to nap or go night-night, and mom and dad keep listening even after the kids are asleep.
1. Have You Never Been Mellow - Olivia Newton John
2. Sarah Smile - Hall and Oats
3. Black Water - Doobie Brothers
4. Sister Golden Hair - America
5. Dream Weaver - Gary Wright
6. How Sweet It Is - James Taylor
7. Send In The Clowns - Judy Collins
8. Time In a Bottle - Jim Croche
9. Love Hurts - Nazareth
10. Lady - Styx
11. I'm Not In Love - 10cc
12. 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover - Paul Simon
13. Can't Get It Out Of My Head - ELO
14. Boogie On Reggae Woman - Stevie Wonder
15. How Long - Ace
16. Dance With Me- Orleans
17. Sailing - Rod Stewart
18. Blue Red and Grey - The Who
19. Miracles - Jefferson Airplane
Now some trivia:
Lady is one of the cheesiest songs from one of the cheesiest bands. I seem to recall a scene from the Simpsons where Lady is playing in Hell as Charon is shuttling people across the river STYX.
The singer for Ace is Paul Carrack who sings the Squeeze song Tempted and was one of the "Mechanics" in the 80's band Mike and the Mechanics
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Friday, December 08, 2006
Girl Role Models

Girl Role Models is the name of a new Turnipblog feature where I will offer alternative role models for young girls.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Rankin/Bass - Kings of X-mas
I have no idea who Rankin and Bass are, but those guys know how to make Children's Christmas Programs.
This Holiday Season, I will be highlighting many Rankin/Bass Christmas Programs, starting with grandaddy of them all...
It all started with 1964's Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Rudolph became one of the most popular and longest-running Christmas specials in television history.
Not only is Rudolph entertaining and enlightning, but it was ground-breaking.
Rudolph was the original underdog who triumphed against all odds and physical deformities.
Long before "Rudy" and "Mask" (the Cher movie about the kid with the big head, not the Jim Carey movie), there was Rudolph.
Long before "The Bad News Bears" there was Rudolph's gang of misfit toys.
Rudolph was also groundbreaking in that it featured the first homosexual clay-mation character in prime-time, Kirby, the elf who wanted to be a dentist.
This Holiday Season, I will be highlighting many Rankin/Bass Christmas Programs, starting with grandaddy of them all...

Not only is Rudolph entertaining and enlightning, but it was ground-breaking.
Rudolph was the original underdog who triumphed against all odds and physical deformities.
Long before "Rudy" and "Mask" (the Cher movie about the kid with the big head, not the Jim Carey movie), there was Rudolph.
Long before "The Bad News Bears" there was Rudolph's gang of misfit toys.
Rudolph was also groundbreaking in that it featured the first homosexual clay-mation character in prime-time, Kirby, the elf who wanted to be a dentist.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
PNS - A Little Much

All of a sudden the telephone starts ringing...
and then your cell phone starts ringing...
and then your wife's cell phone starts ringing...
the computer in-box starts filling up...
you look at you answering machine and see that you have 19 new messages...
you look at the cell phone and you have 20 new voicemails...
suddenly a banner starts coming across the bottom of the television screen...
What is going on? Do you Panic?
No. It's only the Parent Notification System at St. Joseph School reminding you that enrichment papers are due next tuesday.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
I'm Telling You Know Who

That's easy. You tell your kids that if they are bad, you are going to tell a certain someone.
A Man.
The Man.
Take South Carolina mother Brandi Ervin for example:
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) - A fed-up mother had her 12-year-old son arrested for allegedly rummaging through his great-grandmother's things and playing with his Christmas present early.
The mother called police Sunday after learning her son had disobeyed orders and repeatedly taken a Game Boy from its hiding place at his grandmother's house next door and played with it. He was arrested on petty larceny charges, taken to the local police station in handcuffs and held until his mother picked him up after church.
"My grandmother went out of her way to lay away a toy and paid on this thing for months," said the boy's mother, Brandi Ervin.
"It was only to teach my son a lesson. He's been going through life doing things...and getting away with it."
Police did not release the boy's name.
The mother said her son was diagnosed in the last year with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder but his medicine does not seem to help.
She said he faces an expulsion hearing at his school Wednesday. Rock Hill Police Capt. Mark Bollinger said the boy took a swing at a police officer assigned to the school last month. He has been suspended from school since then.
The boy's case will be presented to Department of Juvenile Justice officials in York County, who will decide what happens to him, Bollinger said. His mother hopes he can attend a program that will finally scare him straight.
"It's not even about the Christmas present," she said.
"I only want positive things out of it...There's no need for him to act this way. I'd rather call myself than someone else call for him doing something worse than this."
Monday, December 04, 2006
Hurricane Survival Kit
Toilet Paper....................................check
Bud Light.......................................check
Keystone Ice....................................check
Red Dog.........................................check
Misc. other bottles of alcohol..................check
Piece of plywood to float your old lady and booze on..check
Bud Light.......................................check
Keystone Ice....................................check
Red Dog.........................................check
Misc. other bottles of alcohol..................check
Piece of plywood to float your old lady and booze on..check

Sunday, December 03, 2006
Number 18 - The Dynasty Continues
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Famous Short Guys - Nate Robinson

You have got to check out this video of 5'9" Nate Robinson of the New York Knicks blocking the shot of 7'6" Yao Ming of the Houston Rockets.
Lets see Prince do this(link)
Friday, December 01, 2006
Britney Spears Crotch Shot
Maybe you have heard of the Britney Spears panty-less crotch shot floating around on the internet.

Click here for the uncensored version (link).

Click here for the uncensored version (link).
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Space News - Hubble X-mas Cards

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
I Am Probably Better Than You Because....
...Is a new Turnipblog feature where I will discuss things about me, that in my mind at least, make me "better" than most other people.
I Am Probably Better Than You Because....
...I have TiVo.
People without TiVo are a subspecies of commercial watching bufoons.
You know the TV series "Heros"? The character Hiro on that show is a japanese guy who has superpowers that allow him to stop time, time travel, and teleport vast distances. Compared to the bumbling idiots who watch television without TiVo, I am Hiro.
You know how in cartoons and comic books whenever an evil person is first granted superpowers they almost always grow to an enourmous size, look down on all the normal humans, and laugh at how awesome they are and how pathetic everyone else is?
That is me because I have TiVo.
I Am Probably Better Than You Because....
...I have TiVo.

You know the TV series "Heros"? The character Hiro on that show is a japanese guy who has superpowers that allow him to stop time, time travel, and teleport vast distances. Compared to the bumbling idiots who watch television without TiVo, I am Hiro.
You know how in cartoons and comic books whenever an evil person is first granted superpowers they almost always grow to an enourmous size, look down on all the normal humans, and laugh at how awesome they are and how pathetic everyone else is?
That is me because I have TiVo.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Gamecock Fan Kills Clemson Fan

James Walter Quick, 42, was charged with murder in the shooting of Richard Allen Johnson, 43. Johnson died from a single shot to the chest, according to a preliminary autopsy Sunday.
The two had bet $20 on the annual game, with Quick taking South Carolina, which won 31-28, and Johnson taking Clemson, Lexington County Sheriff James Metts said. They drank beer all afternoon and watched the game Saturday at Johnson's home, and began arguing about the bet after the game.
Metts said Quick went to his car, got the rifle he normally uses for hunting and fired one shot, hitting Johnson in the chest. Deputies arrested Quick.
Quick was being held Sunday in the Lexington County jail, awaiting a bail hearing. The sheriff's department said he did not yet have a lawyer.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
USC Beats Clemsuck

The Gamecocks gained 492 yards, surpassing the previous season high of 332 yards Clemson gave up in a loss to Virginia Tech.
Totally out classed, Clemson stayed in the game until the very end ,with several lucky plays, but ended up choking by missing a field goal with 13 seconds left.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Thanksgiving Day
Today I returned to Walterboro, the site of my neck breaking(link), for Thanksgiving Dinner.
We verbally communicated with wild goats.

I had beer, broccoli salad, strawberry salad, fried turkey, chicken-on-a-can, honey baked ham, black-eyed peas, collard greens, rutabagas, corn and crab casserole, macaroni and cheese, german chocolate cake, and margarita.
I slept on the ride back to Charleston.
We verbally communicated with wild goats.

I had beer, broccoli salad, strawberry salad, fried turkey, chicken-on-a-can, honey baked ham, black-eyed peas, collard greens, rutabagas, corn and crab casserole, macaroni and cheese, german chocolate cake, and margarita.
I slept on the ride back to Charleston.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
New and Improved Turnipblog
I just upgraded Turnipblog.
A now have many new blogging tools at my disposal.
You may notice some new and exciting changes.
This font is called "Trecuchet"
A now have many new blogging tools at my disposal.
You may notice some new and exciting changes.
This font is called "Trecuchet"
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Monday, November 20, 2006
Citadel Knob Beaten Up By Girl

In breaking up the fight, you'll notice that a VMI cheerleader jumps in the fray and puts a Knob in a headlock and throws him to the ground(link)!
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Brice Sheldon Should Sue Borat
Today we went to the USC Basketball game against Lipscomb. Lipscomb is some tiny college somewhere. They only had about 10 fans at the game, but they were winning at halftime so those 10 fans were pretty loud during the first half.
Whenever South Carolina guard Brice Sheldon (photo at right) got the ball, the Lipscomb fans starting chanting "Borat!" "Borat!" "Borat!" until he passed the ball or shot.
Sheldon looks nothing like the character "Borat" from the movie of the same name, so why were they chanting Borat?
A = Because Sheldon is the only white guy who got into the game for USC and the Borat movie features some idiot USC Frat boys who made asses of themselves, and then in an equally stupid move, sued the movie for making them look like the idiots that they are.
Here is the story:
Humiliated S.C. Frat Boys Sue 'Borat'
Two fraternity members from a South Carolina university are suing over their appearance in the hit movie "Borat," saying they were duped into making racist and sexist remarks.
The legal action filed on their behalf claims they were tricked into appearing in the spoof documentary "Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan."
The young men "engaged in behavior that they otherwise would not have engaged in," the lawsuit said.
The plaintiffs were not named in the lawsuit "to protect themselves from any additional and unnecessary embarrassment." They were identified in the movie as fraternity members from a South Carolina university, and appeared drunk as they made insulting comments about women and minorities.
The lawsuit claims that in October 2005, a production crew took the students to a bar to drink and "loosen up" before participating in what they were told would be a documentary to be shown outside of the United States.
"They were induced to agree to participate and were told the name of the fraternity and the name of their school wouldn't be used," said the plaintiffs' attorney, Olivier Taillieu. "They were put into an RV and were made to believe they were picking up Borat the hitchhiker."
After a bout of heavy drinking, the plaintiffs signed a release form they were told "had something to do with liability issues with being in the RV," Taillieu said.
The film "made plaintiffs the object of ridicule, humiliation, mental anguish and emotional and physical distress, loss of reputation, goodwill and standing in the community," the lawsuit said.
The plaintiffs were seeking an injunction to stop the studio from displaying their image and likeness, along with unspecified monetary damages.
"Borat" debuted as the top movie last weekend with $26.5 million.
Todd Bailey, president of the University of South Carolina chapter of Chi Psi, told The (Columbia) State newspaper that one of the two plaintiffs was a member of Chi Psi, while the other had left the university.
Of course the lawsuit is total B.S. as pointed out in this article from The Smoking Gun.
NOVEMBER 13--Justin Seay, one of the many unwitting co-stars of "Borat," would prefer these days to be known only as "John Doe." The University of South Carolina graduate, 24, is one of two former fraternity members to file a lawsuit last week (using the fictitious Doe handle) against the comedy's producers and Twentieth Century Fox. In his lawsuit, Seay contends that last October the "Borat" crew got him and his pals drunk and encouraged them to engage in "behavior that they otherwise would not have engaged in." As a result, Seay/Doe claims that he has suffered humiliation, mental anguish, and emotional and mental distress, for which he wants to be paid damages.
Seay does not seem like an amateur when it comes to partying. On his MySpace page, Seay lists "gettin' drunk and havin' a good time" as one of his interests, along with NASCAR and "pretty much any typical guy stuff." In an August poem to Seay, a friend writes, "Hey Hey Justin Seay, Drinks like a fish everyday!" Another buddy's message opens with the salutation, "Hi Drunk Friend!!!" But it is the photos of Seay that will probably draw the interest of lawyers defending the producers of the movie. Seay, it seems, is rarely photographed without alcohol in his hand.
Seay is the guy on the far right in this photo and as the photo shows, he does "engage" in being a drunk idiot frat boy racist.
The "Borat!" chants definitely affected Brice Sheldon's game. He couldn't hit a shot.
You know what, Sheldon shouldn't sue Borat, he should sue the idiot USC frat boys who appeared in the movie.

A = Because Sheldon is the only white guy who got into the game for USC and the Borat movie features some idiot USC Frat boys who made asses of themselves, and then in an equally stupid move, sued the movie for making them look like the idiots that they are.
Here is the story:
Humiliated S.C. Frat Boys Sue 'Borat'
Two fraternity members from a South Carolina university are suing over their appearance in the hit movie "Borat," saying they were duped into making racist and sexist remarks.
The legal action filed on their behalf claims they were tricked into appearing in the spoof documentary "Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan."
The young men "engaged in behavior that they otherwise would not have engaged in," the lawsuit said.
The plaintiffs were not named in the lawsuit "to protect themselves from any additional and unnecessary embarrassment." They were identified in the movie as fraternity members from a South Carolina university, and appeared drunk as they made insulting comments about women and minorities.
The lawsuit claims that in October 2005, a production crew took the students to a bar to drink and "loosen up" before participating in what they were told would be a documentary to be shown outside of the United States.
"They were induced to agree to participate and were told the name of the fraternity and the name of their school wouldn't be used," said the plaintiffs' attorney, Olivier Taillieu. "They were put into an RV and were made to believe they were picking up Borat the hitchhiker."
After a bout of heavy drinking, the plaintiffs signed a release form they were told "had something to do with liability issues with being in the RV," Taillieu said.
The film "made plaintiffs the object of ridicule, humiliation, mental anguish and emotional and physical distress, loss of reputation, goodwill and standing in the community," the lawsuit said.
The plaintiffs were seeking an injunction to stop the studio from displaying their image and likeness, along with unspecified monetary damages.
"Borat" debuted as the top movie last weekend with $26.5 million.
Todd Bailey, president of the University of South Carolina chapter of Chi Psi, told The (Columbia) State newspaper that one of the two plaintiffs was a member of Chi Psi, while the other had left the university.
Of course the lawsuit is total B.S. as pointed out in this article from The Smoking Gun.
NOVEMBER 13--Justin Seay, one of the many unwitting co-stars of "Borat," would prefer these days to be known only as "John Doe." The University of South Carolina graduate, 24, is one of two former fraternity members to file a lawsuit last week (using the fictitious Doe handle) against the comedy's producers and Twentieth Century Fox. In his lawsuit, Seay contends that last October the "Borat" crew got him and his pals drunk and encouraged them to engage in "behavior that they otherwise would not have engaged in." As a result, Seay/Doe claims that he has suffered humiliation, mental anguish, and emotional and mental distress, for which he wants to be paid damages.

Seay is the guy on the far right in this photo and as the photo shows, he does "engage" in being a drunk idiot frat boy racist.
The "Borat!" chants definitely affected Brice Sheldon's game. He couldn't hit a shot.
You know what, Sheldon shouldn't sue Borat, he should sue the idiot USC frat boys who appeared in the movie.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Friday, November 17, 2006
Today's Kids Got It Easy - Measurements
Today's Kids Got It Easy is where I explain how much easier today's kids have it than I did growing up in the 70's and 80's.
When I was a kid we learned about inches and feet and miles and pounds and cups and gallons.
Then, a few years later, the teachers told us that we needed to learn a new system that was accepted worldwide and would soon replace the measurements that we had come to know and love.
That new system - The Metric System
As a child, the metric system was new, different, and totally unworkable. It was based on powers of 10.
The inch is based on the length of some king's thumb, the meter is 1/40,000,000th of the polar circumference of the Earth.
We had to learn what all the stupid metric prefixes meant. We had to learn how to change our system to metric sytem and how to change metric system back to our system.
What a waste of time.
Of course our teachers were wrong and the metric system did not catch on. Today's schools rightly reject the idiotic french invention that is the metric system.
Today's kids got it easy because they don't have top learn the metric system.
I have long ago put my ruler with metric on one side and inches on the other side, away. Maybe someday it will be worth money, like a bottle of "New Coke"
When I was a kid we learned about inches and feet and miles and pounds and cups and gallons.
Then, a few years later, the teachers told us that we needed to learn a new system that was accepted worldwide and would soon replace the measurements that we had come to know and love.
That new system - The Metric System

The inch is based on the length of some king's thumb, the meter is 1/40,000,000th of the polar circumference of the Earth.
We had to learn what all the stupid metric prefixes meant. We had to learn how to change our system to metric sytem and how to change metric system back to our system.
What a waste of time.
Of course our teachers were wrong and the metric system did not catch on. Today's schools rightly reject the idiotic french invention that is the metric system.
Today's kids got it easy because they don't have top learn the metric system.
I have long ago put my ruler with metric on one side and inches on the other side, away. Maybe someday it will be worth money, like a bottle of "New Coke"
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