Tuesday, March 06, 2007

In a Room with 4 Women

No this isn't a fantasy, it really happened.

I got court appointed to a family court case and had to go over to the courthouse for a merits hearing.

There are little attorney meeting rooms in the courthouse. At one point, the parties in my case were waiting in a little meeting room on a Department of Social Services attorney.

It was me and 4 women;, my client's aunt, female attorney and two female Guardian at Litems. They started to talk about cooking and crockpots.

woman - "I still have the little crockpot I got as a wedding gift 20 years ago."

woman - "I should use mine more."

woman - "They are so convienent."

woman - "I know."

woman - "In the frozen foods section, you can buy these bags that you put in the crock pot..."

I so wanted to get in on the conversation:

Me - "I have 2 crock pots, a conventional and a BBQ Pit..."

Me - (gesturing) "You take a whole chicken and shove fresh herbs under the skin..."

Me - "I never use ground beef for chili, I always cut up a big steak..."

Instead, I just stood there and pretended to read the case file.

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