Monday, March 12, 2007

American Idol Update - Vote Sanjaya

Lets talk about American Idol 2007.

The Boys - I like Blake (Beat-box guy) and Chris (Needs to shave).

The Girls - I like Jordan (The attractive teenage giant) and No-neck (Makes a suprised face every week when judges love her).

By far the best reason to watch is Sanjaya.

Sanjaya is very likeable, but he can't sing.

It is both painful and pleasurable to watch Sanjaya perform and then get ripped by the judges.

Sort of like pressing on a loose tooth with your tounge.

How does Sanjaya suck so bad, yet stay on the show week after week?

Can a website encouraging people to vote for the worst contestant in a singing contest really have an effect on the outcome?

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