It is no secret that I am a fan of Big Brother contestant Janelle.
When Janelle was voted off of Big Brother 6, I wrote this poem using every single word that I could think of that rhymed with Janelle.
Farewell Janelle
You gave those bitches hell.
We were sorry that you fell.
But you won some stuff you can sell.
Janelle, we think you're swell.
We all wish we could tell
Ivette that her girlfriend does as well.
Well, Janelle has been Voted off of Big Brother Allstars, leaving Mike Boogie and Erica is the worst BB final 2 ever. I could not care less who wins. The producers really screwed up and they know it. Not 5 minutes after Janelle was eliminated tonight they announced that the audience could vote by telephone to give her $25,000 as America's Choice.
Farewell Again Janelle.
The Final 2 this season makes me want to Yell...
..."Kiss My Grits!" like Flo always did to Mel.
I downloaded alot of your pictures on my Dell.
This season they showed you smoking alot and your tummy started to swell.
But you didn't get as big as the woman who played the maid in the 80's sitcom "Gimme A Break", last name "Carter", first name "Nell"
And you still ring our collective Bell.
because your hair is so pretty you could do a commercial for styling gel...
... or Prell.
You should send some of your rhymes to the Dr. Scholls people or whoever make the insoles for the people who are gellin' with Helen McMillan while eating prosciuto and melon at the wedding. They're running very low on words that rhyme with gellin'.
that reminds me of the:
"Open? Nope.
Bungy rope.
Bob Hope." Rhyme from high school.
I swear I think I have a copy of several of those. Another one made fun of richard breath and the good stuff from the landfill. I found them years ago in a folder with a bunch of killing floor posters that you made featuring neandertal man and barney fife. Billy
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