Saturday, April 22, 2006

Sam's Toga?

This morning the kids were watching cartoons while I slept on the couch. They were watching "Aladdin" and Sam started demanding a sword. Madeline and I tried to convince Sam that Aladdin didn't fight using a sword, but rather used his his cunning and trickiness to defeat bad guys. He kept demanding a sword.

I was half-asleep and didn't have my contacts in, but I went up into the FROG and found a sword. Then Sam started asking for a belt. "Just stick the sword in your pants." I said. "No", Sam said "I need a belt". "You don't have a belt" I replied. "I want the red belt" Sam screamed.

The red belt is the tie to Madeline's robe. I went upstairs and found it and brought it to Sam. He wrapped it around his waist and stuck the sword in it and started running around.

Then, he stuck the end of the tie into his collar and said he was Hercules and asked for help tying the belt. We, again, told him that Hercules didn't use a sword, but he didn't care so I helped him. I guess he was wearing some sort of toga or tunic?

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