Monday, November 05, 2007

Water at Eb's

Welcome to "Today's Kids Got It Easy", where I discuss how much easier my kids have it than I did growing up in the 70's and 8o's.

Yesterday, my 8 year old daughter was telling me that one of her friends was going to get a refrigerator like ours.

"What do you mean 'Like Ours'?", I asked.

"With water.", she replied.

"They have to drink water out of the sink." she added, shaking her head in disgust.

I suddenly had a flashback to the 80's, Barmount drive in Whitehall subdivision...

Pick-up football in Eb Eager's back yard.

"Look out for the trampoline!"

It is hot, we are sweatty. My brown toughskins are sticking to my legs.

There is a break in the action.

Eb goes inside and I ask to use the bathroom and follow.

As I exit the bathroom and am walking towards the sliding glass door, I see Eb, in the kitchen, pouring a tall glass of Kool-Aid, with his mom standing close by.

"Can I have some?" I ask.

"There is'nt enough for everyone, there is a hose outside." Replies Eb.

We always had to drink from the outside garden hose at Eb's

These brats of today wouldn't have lasted 10 yards

or 2 completions

at Eb's.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The scene of the Ford Granada (Eb's first ride) all alight in No Country for Old Men had me waxing nostalgic. When T-bop couldn't give me the 411 or LD or whatever the hip phrase would be re: Eb, I googled him. And found this.

Yeah I remember the hose. Perhaps you found some solace at being deprived of the delicious Kool-Aid when, for shoving me in retaliation for my striking you in the ass with the football, I clocked him in the eye with my fist.

I wonder now if I was really raging against the hose. Nah, I suspect I just wanted to punch him in the face.