We bought a tent, fought over who would actually drive into the touchdown zone to park, and would cook something great like chili, jambalaya, or fried turkey for every game.
Then, slowly but surely, people started moving away from Columbia.
Chuck and Cass Hollis moved to Atlanta and go to Georgia Tech (where Chuck went to undergrad) games;
Sean and Brenda Faulkner moved to Easley, South Carolina;
Chris and Ally Hill moved to Greenville and she pulled him over to the Dark Side (Clemson);
John and Laura McElwaine moved to Charleston;
Leon Spencer moved to Washington DC and married Kelly;
Finally, this summer, Jeff and Jessica Patterson moved to Boston.
That leaves the Turnipseeds as the only family left in Columbia.
This is an invitation to all who read Turnipblog to let me know if you want to come tailgate with us.

Please come to a game!

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