Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Song - Old Yeller

I had the idea of writing call-and-response songs that display my knowledge of trivia.

I sing these songs by myself, on a stage, in front of a crowd, with a microphone.

Where-ever I leave a blank space in the lyrics, the crowd sings the answer to a trivia question.

Let's try it.

Famous Golden Retriever, Old _____.

Another word for "star-like". _______.

157 1/2 E. Franklin St, Ramshead _______.

I refuse to Honk for the Bank ______.

"H - E - R" is how you _____ ___ .

The things Suess likes in his cellar. The ______, and the______, and the______, and the ______, and the ______, and the _______, and the ______.

Then some girls would come out on stage or get pulled out of the audience to dance on stage while the band jammmed.

... and then I come back out and bust out with some freestyle...

First Billionaire. ____ _ ___________.

He never talks, "Penn and ______."

She couldn't hear or see. ______ ______.

Prarie Home Companion Guy ________ ______.

Paleontologist on Friends. ____ ______ .

Spoon-bending psychic. ___ ______.

Buffy! _____ ________ ______.

Robocop! ____ ______.

"Where's The Beef?" _____ ______.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You deserve to be hog-cut for any post that refers to Clara Peller. I suspect you have hydrofobie.