Cut up some carrots and place them in the crock pot.
Get a chicken. Remove all the junk inside it and wash it and dry it.
Loosen the skin on the chicken with a knife and place fresh basil or rosemary under the skin and in the cavity of the chicken.
Rub butter all over the outside of the chicken and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Put chicken in crock pot, breast up, on top of carrots.
Add 1/2 white wine, 1/2 water until liquid just covers the carrots.
Cook on low all day. Eat with rice.
Wow, Seed, your chicken recipe blows my mind! I figured you for a half-burned hot dog kind of guy. I never realized what a creative and masterful chef you were.
Speaking of crock pots, my wife has a meatball recipe that she stole from someone else that kicks major be-hon-kis. Maybe we should have a crock-off and see who wins.
Sounds delicious. Plse next time add a pic of the result?
I will add a picture of the food and not just the pot next time.
CZEN1, The trick is that you load up the crock pot in the morning, while still sober.
I had the meatballs at this year's Superbowl party. They did indeed kick. Get me the recipe and I will post it.
The pot is pretty cool too (should get myself one) but I guess it would be nice to see what the chicken looks like ;-)
Seed, check it out 'cuz if you follow the steps, you will have some sweet, tangy 'balls (ala SNL, Sweddy Balls):
2 cups ketchup
1 cup brown sugar
1 Tbsp (tablespoon for all your ijiots) worchestershire sauce
1 cup burgundy wine (note, this typically only comes in the 1.5 litre and 3 gallon denominations, so look forward to some extras)
mix sauce, pour over meatballs in crock-pot. let simmer several hours (low - 4-6; high - 2-3)
We got to Sam's and get a big bag of italian-style meatballs (90 plus or minus) for $10.68. Doubles sauce recipe should be sufficient for all of them.
By the way, I know what a chicken looks like; I don't need to see a picture to get the reference.
In case anyone is wondering....Rebecca is not saying anything about meatballs or chicken. Czen1 is the trouble maker using my login info.
The Real Rebecca
Who could mistake the biting wit of Czen1.
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