This happened to me the other morning. I heard a familiar "blipping" sound, came downstairs, and observed Sam on the couch. He didn't see me, but I watched him, and a tear came to my eye as I saw this...

He was using Tivo.
Warning: no ranting, rambling or musings. Turnipblog is discovery wrapped in laughter.
He looks like his Daddy with the remote control and his Mommy with the toe crunch.
Funny as hell! My girl Riley (16 mos.) likes to turn on the DVD player because it has a blue light. The other morning I asked her to go turn it off and she did it immediately and clapped. She now knows more than mommy about the DVD player. My only fear is that she'll order up some PPV porn when i'm not looking. Then again, maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing...
John Robinson
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