Friday, October 14, 2005

The Bob Seger Game

Those who know me well know that I think Bob Seger is the worst recording artist ever - based on the fact that he has so many songs that sound so different but that each suck in their own unique way.

Here is the game, let's name as many Bad Bob Seger songs as we can, from memory (this means no googleing). You can only name 3 songs at a time. I will get the ball rolling:

1. Against the Wind with the classic line,
"We were young and we were running, against the wind."

The idea of running against the wing is ridiculous. Couldn't he think of something a little more difficult, like running through sand or running up a gradual incline.

You remember the old joke; "When I was your age we walked 5 miles to school, in the snow, barefoot, uphill both ways...." Well I have never heard any version of that joke that includes "against the wind".

Also, could you name your band after a worse beer?


Anonymous said...

"She gives them quite a battle
All that they can handle
She’ll bruise some
She’ll hurt some too
But oh they love to watch her strut
Oh they do respect her but
They love to watch her strut"

Anonymous said...

"who wants to break the news about uncle joe
you remember uncle joe, he was the one afraid to cut the cake... "
(Fire Lake)
all-time Bob Seger crapola

Seed said...

Good picks for #'s 2 and 3, but it is time to go to Seger School.

Simile - is the comparison of two unlike things using "like" or "as".

The most idiotic simile of all time is credited to Bob Seger:

#4 - Like A Rock