When I was a little kid and I had a craving for finger licking good fried chicken, I had to ask my parents if we could go to "Kentucky Fried Chicken".
"Kentucky Fried Chicken" is 6 syllables. That is a mouthfull.

Why did the restaurant chain formerly known as "Kentucky Fried Chicken" change its name to KFC?
They didn't do it to give my kids a break, they changed the name because they were breeding mutant chickens with extra-large breasts and additional legs. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration stepped in and told Kentucky Fried Chicken that the genetically engineered creatures they were producing on their poultry farms could not legally be marketed as "chicken." Rather than give up the lucrative sales of meat from their big-breasted, multi-legged fowl to adhere to FDA regulations, the company deftly sidestepped the problem by changing their name to "KFC," thus eliminating all mention of the word "chicken" from their menu and advertisements.