For those who may not know, Jumping the Shark Tank is a metaphor popularized by the website used to describe the moment when a TV show is, in retrospect, judged to have passed its "peak" and shows a noticeable decline in quality, or when it has undergone too many changes that take away the original charm and interest. In TV, "jump the shark" moments follow a noticeable change in the show, such as a main cast member leaving or a change in setting, which are subsequently quoted as the marker point signifying when the show's decline started.

Some Jump the Shark examples: When the show is in an academic setting, the main characters graduate and the setting changes from high school to a university; The "clip show" or retrospective, where the characters reminisce about the past with a collection of short clips from previous episodes; Main character or cast member gives birth; Main characters have sex, or marry after an extended period of sexual tension between them; The "very special episode," in which a sitcom or drama addresses a serious social issue in an awkward way; A cliffhanger season finale with a disappointing resolution; The same main character played by a different actor, when the original actor is no longer on the show either because he or she leaves voluntarily, is fired or dies suddenly; A show continues after the death of a cast member; Child actors enter puberty; A special guest star makes an appearance, which often involves someone playing himself or herself or a guest character; A major character is written out of the show and is replaced by an essentially similar character or role; When a show's star begins writing or directing a majority of the episodes; The producers start to dilute the show with too many spinoffs; and last but not least, if the actor Ted McGinley joins the cast, the show is OVER.
Remember "The Great Gazoo" fom The Flintstones?
Wasn't he a crossover from the Jetsons? Shark.
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